Latest really effective treatments for baldness

Common baldness or androgenic alopecia is a very common condition, which in Spain affects up to 50% of men and 30% of women. Fortunately, there are effective treatments against this problem that have sufficient scientific basis and are safe and reliable. Among these treatments, the following stand out:

  • Oral anti-androgen medications.

Finasteride and Dutasteride are drugs that block the conversion of testosterone to DHT (the hormone responsible for weakening the hair follicle and causing hair loss). They promote an increase in the number of hairs and their thickness, also preventing hair loss. This results in stabilization of alopecia and improvement of hair volume and density.

It is administered in tablet form and is usually taken daily. In the case of Finasteride, the recommended dose is 1 mg per day and for Dutasteride, 0.5 mg 3 times per week.

Adverse effects are rare (affecting less than 5% of cases) and, if they occur, they are reversible.

  • Topical Minoxidil

The application of this drug on the scalp continuously (for at least 3 months) produces an increase in capillary density. This medication is presented as a lotion or foam and should be applied twice a day. Its use is perfect for men and women, its administration is usually combined with other treatments.

In a small percentage of patients it may cause skin irritation, itching or flaking, which disappear when the application is stopped.

  • Hair transplant

Hair micrografting or hair transplantation is an effective method to recover lost hair. It consists of extracting follicular units from the back of the head (nape of the neck) and transplanting them to the areas of alopecia. Because the hair in this area is not prone to fall (it lacks receptors for the DHT hormone), the results obtained are permanent. Currently, the survival rate of transplanted grafts exceeds 96%. It is a minor, outpatient surgery, performed safely under local anesthesia.

  • Platelet-Rich Plasma or capillary PRP

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is a blood component obtained by centrifugation and separation. This plasma is extracted from the patient and then infiltrated into the scalp using the capillary mesotherapy technique.

PRP has a high concentration of platelets, which in turn have growth factors and cytokines capable of stimulating and promoting the growth phase of the follicle, resulting in an increase in hair color and thickness, which translates into an increase in hair density.

What are the latest treatments for baldness?

Currently, a number of research studies have been developed to improve the effectiveness of treatments for baldness and to reduce possible adverse effects.

Among the newest treatments for androgenic alopecia we have:

Microinjections with Dutasteride: mesotherapy with Dutasteride consists of infiltrating the scalp with small doses of the drug by means of microinjections. This allows reaching high concentrations of the drug in the hair follicle, thus obtaining all the benefits of the treatment with almost no adverse effects.

The other advantage is that the long half-life of Dutasteride allows sessions to be performed every 3 months.

The duration of the treatment is only 15 minutes, it is practically painless and allows immediate return to normal life.

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Oral Minoxidil: is an alternative increasingly used in women and men with diffuse alopecia, also in patients who have shown intolerance to topical application. It must be prescribed in a magistral formulation and the dosage varies from 1 mg to 5 mg per day depending on the case. These doses have been shown to be highly effective with a small percentage of side effects.

FUE-Zafiro hair micrografting: it is a new and effective hair grafting technique that achieves excellent results, with high densities and total naturalness. Among the main novelties are the following:

  • Extraction of the grafts one by one: by means of circular scalpels of 0.7 mm, thus avoiding scars in the donor area or leaving it too depopulated.
  • Maximum follicular extraction: the greatest amount of grafts can be extracted from the donor area without leaving it unpopulated, thus increasing the hair density obtained.
  • Incisions are made with a sapphire-tipped scalpel: this technology allows the follicle to be implanted following the direction and angle of natural growth, improves the recovery of the recipient area and leaves no visible scars.
  • High-power vibration-assisted local anesthesia: the vibration applied during the infiltration of local anesthesia considerably reduces discomfort during the procedure, making the intervention completely tolerable.
  • Oral Conscious Sedation: using oral sedation during surgery provides complete patient comfort, enhances the effect of anesthesia and makes the overall experience much more comfortable, with the total safety of constant monitoring.

How do they differ from traditional techniques?

The new therapies for the treatment of baldness seek to improve results and reduce potential adverse effects. The great challenge we have as professionals at Microcapilar Hair Clinic is to offer our patients safe, effective and sustainable long-term treatment alternatives. The new treatments allow us to achieve these objectives.

Can it be prevented in any way?

Androgenic alopecia or common baldness is a disorder that has a genetic and hereditary component. The cause is the action of testosterone (androgen), which when transformed into dihydrotestosterone or DHT by the enzyme 5α reductase, binds to receptors in the hair follicles and inhibits hair proliferation, resulting in hair thinning, transforming them into hairs (miniaturization) and subsequently causing hair loss. It cannot be prevented, but it can be treated from the initial stages to avoid its evolution to advanced alopecia.

What care should be followed after treatment for baldness?

In the case of oral or topical medication, no special care is needed except for periodic check-ups with the specialist for follow-up.

When we perform infiltrated treatments such as PRP or mesotherapy with Dutasteride, sun exposure or the use of saunas or swimming pools on the same day of treatment should be avoided.

On the other hand, after a hair graft surgery, it is necessary to follow all the postoperative guidelines indicated by the surgeon. In some cases it is necessary to take a prophylactic antibiotic for a few days and an anti-inflammatory. It is also necessary to attend all the scheduled check-ups.