Children with ADHD: do they have different brains?

There are studies that show that children with ADHD have a different brain. However, it should be noted that not all children have been studied, so it cannot be guaranteed that the brain is different in all cases. What did the study consist of? The study, which involved the participation of physicians and neuroscientists from … Read more

Mental Disorders in Childhood

Most professionals and the latest WHO reports agree that children also suffer from mental disorders. Seventy percent of adult psychiatric illnesses have their origin in childhood and during this period, many of the symptoms that will later affect adulthood can already be perceived. Serious disorders in childhood Of the emotional problems that children may suffer … Read more

The Neuroses: types, diagnosis and treatment

A neurotic disorder is not a disease in the biological or neurological sense of the term. It is a psychiatric concept that refers to a specific problem of the human being, an existential dilemma that is linked to the fact of how we relate to ourselves and how we face life being aware of our … Read more

Is it possible to live with anxiety and distress?

Anxiety and anguish are manifestations of strictly human and entirely necessary affects and emotions. They are not, in themselves, any disease. We can all experience anxiety at one time or another, as it is a mechanism that puts us in a state of alert and helps us to resolve certain stressful situations in our lives, … Read more

Dual pathology: when you have more than one mental disorder

In psychiatry, dual pathology is considered to exist when someone presents an addictive disorder and simultaneously a mental disorder (Szerman and Martinez-Raga, 2015), both can develop at the same time or first one and then the other. Dual patients are patients who present greater psychopathological and psychosocial severity, are admitted more, present more suicidal risk … Read more

Schizophrenia: A Chronic Mental Illness

Schizophrenia is a serious brain disease that affects multiple psychological functions. How do I know if I have schizophrenia? The symptoms of schizophrenia vary widely. Not all patients present the same clinical picture and even the same patient may experience substantial changes throughout the course of the disease. Some of the main alterations are: Perception: … Read more

Bipolar disorder: a serious mental disorder

Bipolar disorder is a severe mental illness that can seriously affect the life of the person who suffers from it. It is also known as manic-depressive illness. Patients who suffer from it experience unusual mood swings: sometimes they may feel very happy and cheerful, and much more active than usual, known as mania. At other … Read more

What is dissociative amnesia

Dissociative amnesia, also known as psychogenic amnesia or functional amnesia, is a disorder characterized by a loss of memory caused by an intense episode of psychological stress, and which cannot be attributed to neurological brain damage or other organic causes. Symptoms of dissociative amnesia It may be characterized by: Presence of retrograde amnesia: inability to … Read more

How can we cope with anxiety?

People suffering from anxiety disorders present multiple discomforts such as extreme fear, feeling of unreality, shortness of breath, tachycardia, fear of losing control, insomnia, nausea, tremors and dizziness, and many other neurovegetative symptoms that are common in these pathologies. From our clinical experience we increasingly admit a certain hereditary component (we observe it in our … Read more

Symptoms and Treatment of Psychopathic Disorder

The term psychopathy is currently in disuse in the psychiatric clinic because it generates great confusion and controversy in the international systems of classification of mental illnesses. In general terms we speak of psychopaths when there is marked antisocial and irresponsible behavior, reduced empathy and remorse, and an uninhibited character. There are several etiological theories … Read more