
What is balanoposthitis?

Balanoposthitis is a disease that consists of an inflammation of the glans and the skin of the foreskin that usually has its origin in poor hygiene and also occurs because there is a difficulty in retracting the skin of the foreskin.

It is worth mentioning the difference between balanitis and balanoposthitis, differentiating both in that balanitis is defined as inflammation of the glans, while when there is also inflammation of the foreskin, it is called balanoposthitis.

Prognosis of balanoposthitis

Balanoposthitis is a disease that in principle has a favorable course. The treatment of the disease is in principle simple, including good hygiene and antibiotic treatment.

Occasionally circumcision may be necessary to remove excess skin, which can make skin retraction and hygiene in the area difficult.

In turn, on rare occasions, the doctor will have to clean the area under the foreskin and inform the patient about good hygiene habits so that the inflammation does not recur.

There are a number of complications that can occur after balanoposthitis:

  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Risky sexual relations
  • Immunosuppression
  • Increased risk of penile cancer.

Symptoms of balanoposthitis

There are several signs and manifestations that a person with balanoposthitis may feel:

  • Stinging and/or itching in the area
  • Redness
  • Appearance of red sores
  • Inability to retract the foreskin
  • Discomfort or pain during urination
  • Subpreputial discharge two to three days after intercourse
  • Phimosis
  • Superficial ulcerations
  • Inguinal adenopathies

Poor hygiene is often the main cause of balanoposthitis.

Medical tests for balanoposthitis

Diagnosis is usually made with a medical evaluation, based on a physical examination of both the penis and genital area.

In turn, a blood test will be performed to check blood sugar levels and find out whether or not the patient has diabetes, as well as a thorough analysis for possible yeast infections and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).

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The tests should also include a study on the possible use of latex condoms. In this investigation, the skin of the area is examined for lesions that may point to a dermatosis that may affect the genital area.

What are the causes of balanoposthitis?

There are several reasons why balanitis, postitis and balanoposthitis can occur:

  • Poor hygiene in the penile area
  • Adhesions in the foreskin. Both these and preputial sclerosis can cause it.
  • Coital hypersensitivity
  • Bump or trauma to the area
  • Bacterial or fungal growth in a moist area.
  • Allergies to soaps, preservatives or detergents.
  • People with diabetes mellitus are more prone to this problem.
  • Phimosis: being tight, it prevents easy retraction of the area, a fact that prevents hygiene.

Inflammation of the penis can be due to different causes, and the causes of penile inflammation can be divided into two: infectious and non-infectious causes.

Infectious causes include candidiasis, canker sores, chlamydial urethritis and gonococcal urethritis, herpes virus infection, molluscum contagiosum, scabies, syphilis or trichomoniasis. On the other hand, causes of penile inflammation of non-infectious origin would be xerotic balanitis, contact dermatitis, lichen planus and simplex chronicus, psoriasis, drug eruption, reactive arthritis or seborrheic dermatitis.

Can balanoposthitis be prevented?

The best way to prevent the occurrence of balanoposthitis is to maintain proper hygiene in the area and keep it clean and dry.

If the inflammation is related to the use of condoms, the use of special protection for sensitive skin is recommended.

Treatments for balanoposthitis

The treatment of the disease will vary depending on when the disease is identified. Normally, poor hygiene is both the main cause and the solution, as proper cleansing of the area usually quickly eliminates the problems of the disease.

Sometimes circumcision may be necessary in order to retract the skin of the foreskin.

What specialist treats balanoposthitis?

The specialist in charge of identifying, diagnosing, advising and treating inflammatory problems such as balanoposthitis is the Urologist.