The Effects of Ozone Therapy on the Immune System

The immune system is our body’s defense system against infections and its function is to attack invading germs and keep us healthy. Ozone therapy is a technique widely used in the field of biological medicine and has the ability to activate various defense mechanisms of the body, achieving a modulation of the immune system.

Ozone therapy improves our immune system

Specifically, ozone is a bioregulator that has the ability to activate the body’s defense mechanisms achieving a cellular redox balance. In the case of a possible infection, the activation of the active metabolites of ozone, together with an activation of pro-inflammatory cytokines, can help to eliminate the infection. In addition, it has been shown that when the number of inflammatory cytokines is increased in excess, ozone can act by decreasing proinflammatory cytokines and increasing anti-inflammatory cytokines.

In some cases, the immune system mistakenly attacks healthy tissue, giving rise to the well-known autoimmune diseases whose origin is unknown. Rheumatoid arthritis and lupus are two examples of autoimmune disease. In these diseases, pro-inflammatory cytokines are elevated and ozone, due to its immune system modulating capacity, acts by decreasing them and trying to achieve a balance between pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines.

The benefits of ozone

Ozone therapy is used to maintain the immune system in optimal conditions. One of the keys of Ozone Therapy is that it acts on the body’s own physiology and, therefore, helps the body to work in the same way it would naturally.

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To carry out the treatment, an autohemotransfusion is performed. The specialist in Ozone Therapy will proceed to the extraction of between 100 and 150 cc of blood, which will be ozonated and transfused back to the patient through the same closed and aseptic circuit. The treatment takes about 20-30 minutes.

Once the treatment is completed, the person can resume work immediately. The number of sessions will be established according to the needs of each patient.