High intensity ultrasound to remove localized fat

Deep Slim is a treatment based on High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU). It is a novel technique that eliminates in a completely painless way the most harmful fat for health and that which most favors overweight, improving the silhouette and body composition. Dr. Hernandez, a renowned specialist in Nutrition and dietetics and director of the Nutrition and Anti-Aging and Aesthetic Body Medicine service of the Tufet Clinic, explains its benefits.

It has been recently proven in different scientific studies that in order to fight obesity and overweight it is important to eliminate white fat, not brown fat. The latter, unlike white fat, has the capacity to burn lipids and maintain body temperature.

There is a new high precision integral remodeling technique that acts on this white fat in a totally controlled way, and without side effects for the rest of the tissues. This technique is performed using a device called Deep Slim by Medikalight that emits High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU). This technique is capable of selectively destroying fat cells concentrated in the abdomen, arms and/or knees, but leaving tissues such as skin, blood vessels and nerves intact. The novelty of Deep Slim, then, is that it is a non-invasive and painless technique that respects the fat cells of high biological value (brown fat) and improves the body composition of the organism and the health of the person.

How fat is generated and how Deep Slim helps in its elimination

Fat performs important functions, both metabolic and endocrine. It is brown fat, in fact, that is activated by cold, generating heat instead of just being stored. It is when the percentage of white fat increases over brown fat that the body has the most difficulty in losing weight. In fact, people with obesity lose the ability to activate brown fat with cold, transform white fat into brown fat and lose weight with this process.

Deep Slim by Medikalight makes it possible to control the level of the body’s white fat percentage and selectively destroy fat cells of lower biological value, while keeping the beneficial function of the fat tissue intact. The ultrasonic energy waves converge so that Deep Slim only targets the target fat cells, the white fat adipocytes most sensitive to high temperatures and the effects of High Intensity Focused Ultrasound.

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These high-intensity ultrasounds act by creating an implosion of micro-bubbles whose energy breaks up the uniocular globules of lower quality fat. The fact that the ultrasound is emitted in the form of an inverted pyramid creates small lesions in the adipose tissue at different depths in a very controlled manner thanks to the selective emission frequency and the precise Tracking System. The destroyed cell debris is then processed naturally and metabolically by the body.

Shrink up to 2.5 cm in a single session: how Deep Slim is used

The HIFU technology of Deep Slim by Medikalight has been supported by several clinical studies. With its application it is possible to reduce up to 2.5cm in a single session. The results will be visible one month after the session, and increase after the third month.

The technique is applied by means of a thin layer of ultrasound gel in the area to be treated. Sweeps are then performed by the specialist in Nutrition and Dietetics, and Aesthetic Body Medicine. These sweeps act at three levels of depth in the skin, ensuring that the eliminated fat does not reappear. It is a process that lasts between 30 and 45 minutes, although both this aspect and the intensity of the ultrasounds will always depend on the patient’s needs.

It is important to highlight that it is a totally painless treatment that does not produce bruises or swelling in the patient. Its application does not require anesthesia or sedatives.