The lack or emptiness allows to find the desire

The human being comes from the maternal womb, a place where he lacks nothing. When he is born, he discovers a world full of sensations, some of them negative, which he will try to avoid in order to recover that moment in which he had everything he needed.

To achieve this feeling of fullness, he seeks to silence behaviors and try to erase everything that smells of loss, pain or emptiness. That is to say, it will try to erase the lack.

All human beings have lack, which allows us to seek what we want. In order to be aware of what we want, we must ask ourselves questions and listen to ourselves.

Drug addiction and its relation to the feeling of emptiness

Drug addiction, as a pathology, occurs when the subject seeks to fill the feeling of lack, of emptiness. The paradox that occurs in these cases is that, when the subject tries to fill the existing emptiness, the only thing he achieves is to continue emptying himself. This emptiness is progressive in the subject, separating him/herself from what he/she is and getting stuck to the substance. This addiction occurs because he/she cannot bear the discomfort he/she suffers and the difficulty of living.

The subject avoids the frustration caused by the fact that things are not always as he/she wishes. From Triora Addictions we tell our patients that “he who is not willing to lose, will end up losing himself”, that is to say, in life one must give up something to gain something else, it is a continuous losing and choosing.

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“If I like something, I stick to it.”

At this point limits must appear, which tell us when we can do each thing and whether or not we should do it. In this way people can relate to things in a healthy way, not so sticky. This is the function that addicts do not have.

For this reason, the objective of the center is to break this way of relating, in which everything is always the same and where the patient feels safe, to avoid feelings of discomfort that he/she does not want.

It is a complicated task, which implies feeling and renouncing to an emotional rigidity that allows the subjects to feel safe, to have everything under control, in a place without risks. In reality, but unfortunately, they are continually in danger.

In order to break with this dynamic and look for alternatives, the patient must accept the lack, recognize that everything is not possible and thus, set in motion the desire.

For more information on drug addiction, contact a specialist in psychology.