Slimming diets, spring is the best time to start

There is no exact date to start a diet, since there are many factors to take into account: the kilos to lose, the age, etc. Even so, perhaps the best date to successfully start a diet is spring.

The spring season brings us a great variety of foods with low caloric intake; we can replace a plate of legumes or pasta with a complete and balanced salad, which is equally satisfying and helps to regain the line.

There are many diets known for their good results. The most optimal diets are those that introduce diuretic foods and with the power to reduce inflammation, since it helps to lose weight and volume from the beginning.

On the other hand, there are diets that are not beneficial for health. They are those in which to lose weight it is necessary to eliminate some type of essential nutrient, such as carbohydrates or fats. As a specialist in Nutrition and Dietetics I will not make specific mention of any of them, although we all know how to recognize them.

What should be taken into account when starting a diet?

What should never be done is to start a diet on your own. The specialist must be the one who adjusts the caloric diet and who offers the healthy guidelines, as well as the motivations to reach the objective.

As for the kilos, with the exception of the first two weeks (in which you can lose 1.5 – 2 kg.), the logical thing is a gradual weight loss of between 500-700 g. weekly, 2-3 kg. monthly.

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The important thing in a diet is to maintain an exercise routine, such as walking first thing in the morning or last thing in the afternoon. It is also advisable to enjoy fresh, low-calorie dishes and all kinds of salads. It should also be taken into account that fruits satiate easily and are a natural draining agent.