What is the fat breast augmentation technique?

It is a technique also known as lipofilling, liposculpture or fat transfer, and consists in the injection of fat grafts into the breast. This fat is obtained from other areas of the patient’s body.

In order to perform the augmentation, the Plastic Surgeon obtains fat from donor areas, such as the hips, legs or abdomen. This fat is processed to separate the fat cells and leave them as purified as possible. Finally, they are injected into the breast, at various levels and with a very small cannula.

However, it should be noted that this technique is not used for large breast augmentations, only moderate ones. It is also used to correct asymmetries and in those patients who wish to remove the prostheses but want a moderate filling.

Sometimes, it is used as a technique to improve the filling with implants, to correct small deformities, scars, depressions, rippling, to improve the quality of the skin, patients who have been under the effects of radiotherapy…

What differences are there in breast augmentation with fat compared to other techniques?

The main difference lies in the fact that no prosthesis is placed, thus avoiding the complications derived from this procedure. In addition, the breast augmented with fat ages naturally, without the need for future interventions. The scars are very small and remain invisible, both in the area where the fat is obtained and in the breast. In addition, other parts of the body are improved by reducing localized fat deposits.

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The surgery on the breast is painless and the touch is natural.

How is the result of breast augmentation with fat? How long do its effects last?

The result is simple and straightforward, very natural looking breasts with a normal feel.

Once the fat has set, and the result is stable, the breasts will change according to the patient’s weight fluctuations in a proportional way.

Until eight months post-surgery, the result is not definitive. It is assumed that a variable percentage of the injected fat will not attach, so it is sometimes necessary to intervene again to fill the breasts again.

What are the risks involved and can all women undergo breast augmentation with fat?

With this technique, the risks associated with implants are avoided.

The main disadvantage is that it is necessary to fill again because more fat is reabsorbed than the patient wants. To be able to perform this technique, it is necessary to have enough fat in other locations.