Get rid of the double chin for good!

Belkyra is a safe injectable substance to reduce and potentially eliminate fat under the chin, also known as double chin. A double chin is defined as excess fat accumulated in the lower chin area.

Unfortunately, this excess fat can be unrelated to weight and lifestyle, making it sometimes difficult to eliminate.

How does Belkyra work?

Belkyra is an injectable procedure that is introduced into the lower chin fat. After a few sessions, and without the need for surgery, patients can see unwanted fat reduction and even elimination. To minimize discomfort, a topical anesthetic cream can be used in the area.

Each case is different, but in general more than one session is needed to notice results. Normally the changes start to be noticed after 1 to 3 sessions of 30 minutes duration, and it is necessary to wait one month between sessions.

What are the benefits of Belkyra?

It is a treatment that works definitively, since the fat in the area is completely eliminated thanks to the adipolysis process. In addition, physically, an improvement is observed, and in some cases, the double chin can be completely eliminated.

What happens after treatment?

Most patients can return to their activities immediately. Some patients may suffer a small hematoma in the area or may notice that the area is swollen for 24-48 hours. In addition, the patient may feel a burning sensation in the affected area in the hours following the procedure.