Aspiration liposuction

Also called liposuction, liposculpture, lipomodeling… liposuction by aspiration is a surgical technique in which through small incisions of 3 millimeters we aspirate and eliminate the accumulation of fat located in various areas of our body such as thighs, knees, abdomen, hips, arms, chin, etc.

What method is used to perform suction liposuction?

Liposuction by aspiration can be performed under local anesthesia, local plus sedation, epidural or general, depending on the areas to be aspirated and the patient’s personality, and is practiced by infiltrating saline plus adrenaline to reduce bleeding, in the desired areas and introducing blunt-tipped cannulas that break and aspirate the excess fat. These procedures must always be performed in Authorized Surgical Centers that offer all kinds of guarantees and safety when performing liposuction.

What can I expect during the recovery process?

Liposuction by aspiration is a relatively “uncomfortable” operation, especially during the first 48 hours. It does not require hospital stay, a few hours in the case of large liposuctioned areas. After liposuction the patient must wear a girdle for three weeks to help during the process of de-inflammation, undergo draining massages and practice some kind of gentle exercise.

What results can I expect from liposuction?

The results will depend mainly on the power of absorption of the retained liquids in the worked areas, the type of skin elasticity, the personal swelling and the follow-up of the doctor’s instructions. The results of suction liposuction begin to be seen within a week, the improvement will be evident the first weeks; then the evolution will be slow. After three months we will be close to the final result, and it will not be until a year later when we will see if the final result will be the desired one or if we will have to make some “touch up” to achieve it.

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Does the liposuctioned fat reappear?

No, not if the appropriate weight is maintained, otherwise the increase in fat will be proportionate throughout the body, that is to say, if the patient gains weight, the liposuctioned area will also gain weight, although experience shows that in a smaller proportion.

Are there other liposuction techniques?

Yes, nowadays there are also the ultrasound liposuction technique and the laser liposuction technique or Lipolaser, a high precision and minimally invasive laser procedure with which we aspirate and eliminate localized fat accumulations in the same way as with traditional liposuction by aspiration.

Currently liposuction in all its techniques is still undoubtedly the best treatment for the loss of body fat with excellent results, nothing comparable to those achieved with current equipment.