ARTAS Technology: the ultimate solution to fight alopecia

The Granado Tiagonce Clinic, together with the Vithas International Hospital, has inaugurated a new Hair Transplant Unit to respond to the high number of patients requesting solutions to treat alopecia and hair loss.

What does hair surgery consist of?

This surgery makes it possible to recover hair density in patients suffering from androgenic alopecia (the most frequent situation) or in those cases in which there is a notable loss of hair in specific areas.

The hair implant is used as a preventive method for hair loss, since the grafts stimulate the growth of the weakest, damaged and sensitive hairs.

Who can undergo this treatment?

Candidates for this treatment are those patients who have not yet lost an excessively severe amount of hair, having healthy donor areas, which will be used to regenerate new hair growth.

With this technique it is also possible to treat patients who wish to have more hair density, without the need to remove a band of scalp from the never. Therefore, scars and a few months without hair in the extraction area are avoided.

What are the advantages of ARTAS technology?

The new Hair Transplant Unit works with cutting-edge technology, the most advanced to provide the best solutions to their patients. ARTAS is a hair micrografting robot that uses follicular extraction technology (FUE).

The main advantages ARTAS offers are:

  • Reducing the intervention time by half, compared to traditional techniques.
  • Greater precision in the extraction of donor follicles.
  • Faster grafting, without stitches or sutures.
  • Minimal scars, which heal quickly and painlessly.
  • Grafts can be performed in areas with healthy hair without damaging it.
  • Reduced postoperative time.

The robot needles adapt to the anatomy of each individual, based on the thickness of the follicle to be extracted or grafted. It is capable of extracting more than 1000 follicular units in one hour and then grafting them one by one with maximum precision.

What does the technique consist of?

The surgery begins by designing a specific extraction prototype for each patient through a 3D design.

The doctor will make the design deciding the number of follicular units that may be necessary in each intervention. A tailor-made design of the surgery is made, which will be transferred to the robot, which will be in charge of finding the healthiest and most suitable follicles to graft them in the bald area.

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The graft will be performed quickly using needles of different depth and diameter, depending on each case, leaving minimal scars that will heal quickly.

The back and both sides of the head are usually the donor areas, since they are the areas that are not affected by alopecia. In addition, the hair will continue to grow naturally in this area without leaving traces of extraction.

The procedure usually lasts about two hours, starting in the morning and ending in the afternoon of the same day. It can also be performed in several sessions, depending on the amount of hair to be treated, at the discretion of the surgeon to achieve the desired goal.

In traditional techniques, patients required two weeks off work, but with ARTAS, it is possible to return to the routine almost immediately. It is only necessary to follow a series of cares for the washing and care of the hair during the first days, so that in a few months the natural growth of the grafted hair will begin to be noticed.

Is there any risk in the intervention?

It is a completely safe, minimally invasive and painless treatment. It does not leave scars, there are no sutures or cuts so there is no need to remove stitches.

The technique is performed on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia, being advisable to shave the donor area to make the extraction more accurate.

How are the results?

This technology is available in very few clinics in Spain, offering a completely natural and permanent result, thanks to intelligent algorithms. These algorithms choose the healthiest hairs, recognize the correct angle for extraction and achieve safe and predictable results, something impossible with manual techniques.

The result of hair surgery is abundant, natural and healthy hair.

The procedure can be combined with injections of growth factors into the scalp, extracted from the patient’s own blood (platelet-rich plasma). This technique stimulates the regeneration of existing follicles, nourishing and accelerating the growth of the grafts.