Perfiloplasty: busting myths of facial surgery

Perfiloplasty is the name given to the group of facial surgeries that, combined in the same surgical procedure, improve both profiles of our face. It includes operations such as the modification of the chin or the elimination of localized fat, known as double chin, in addition to the different nose surgeries.

It is quite common that patients do not relate the possibility of improving the harmony of their face with the combination of several procedures, but think that they can achieve substantial changes with a single surgery. Patients do not associate chin advancement with the improvement of neck flaccidity or lipostructure as a perfect complement to achieve good results in the facelift. For these reasons, maxillofacial and plastic surgeries are such good allies.

Generally, when a patient decides to undergo a rhinoplasty with the intention of stylizing his profile, the specialist considers whether he would need to combine it with any other surgery of another medical specialty to achieve the desired results.

With rhinoplasty, for example, functional and aesthetic problems of the nose can be solved, in addition to correcting deviations, outline its shape or the degree of opening of the nostrils. In turn, it allows treating congenital malformations or those acquired by disease or trauma, derived from a respiratory problem. However, on many occasions it is also necessary to have an ENT specialist correct the turbinates.

On the other hand, genioplasty can provide the shape and projection of the chin with a filing of the chin or an advance of the bony structures. This surgical procedure sometimes requires orthognathic surgery to correct dento-cranio maxillofacial deformities.

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Will it change my face completely?

Currently, the belief still persists that if we undergo these facial touch-ups we may not recognize ourselves when we look in the mirror. On the other hand, people are not afraid of body contouring surgeries at all.

However, this thought is far from reality, since the retouches performed on the face are more subtle and less noticeable than those of body contouring.

In this sense, nose surgery is one of the most demanded, because it allows to show off a nose in full harmony with the rest of proportions and without being noticed that it is operated (when the surgery is performed well).

People tend to generalize by thinking that an “operated face” changes the patient’s identity. This happens because “operated faces” are assimilated with badly operated faces. When the surgery is performed correctly not even someone very close to the patient himself would be able to determine exactly what procedure has been performed, but simply perceive a general improvement in facial harmony and, therefore, beauty.

Usually, the patient requesting a rhinoplasty will need to accompany it with a mentoplasty or liposuction in the submental area. To achieve the best results it is vital to discuss our expectations honestly with a specialist and to be advised by a professional.