Plexr treatment to eliminate skin lesions

Plexr is the newest, safest and most effective tool for non-surgical treatment of excess skin, wrinkles, blemishes and acne marks. Excellent results are obtained with a more conservative technique and a much faster recovery, all without going under the knife.

How does Plexr work?

First of all, it should be made clear that the Plexr must be used by a qualified and trained physician. Using a light and versatile head, the specialist strategically applies small “trigger points” (Plexr Punctiform Technique), whose reach does not go beyond the epidermis.

This type of energy, known as plasma, produces a superficial and controlled lesion that guarantees total safety in the surrounding areas. The induced injuries are the size of a pinhead, and the tissue around and below the point of impact does not receive energy, nor does it suffer any damage.

The induced injury causes an immediate retraction of the skin, which can be seen from the first moment. In the following hours, a scab forms on each point, which lasts between 5 and 7 days (approximately). When they fall off, a new, rosy, elastic and retracted skin appears underneath, which replaces the removed skin.

Indications for Plexr

Until today, the only technique to correct the signs of aging in the eyes (drooping eyelids, bags, etc.) was eyelid surgery or blepharoplasty. The Plexr System achieves excellent results, with immediate retraction that is noticeable from the first moment. Moreover, with the advantage that there is no risk of bruising.

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The specialist in Aesthetic Medicine will apply the Plexr Puntiform technique, custom designed for each patient, to achieve the desired eyelid retraction. It is a fast and safe procedure that is followed by a transitory edema or swelling and the appearance of small scabs of half a millimeter that will fall off after 3 to 7 days.

The result is seen in a single session, eliminating the signs of aging that show the passage of time in our eyes without the need for surgery.

Duration of treatment with Plexr

The treatment with Plexr lasts between 3 and 6 years, since although the spots disappear, they may reappear.


Follow the advice of the doctor specializing in the management of Plexr. Some of the guidelines to follow are:

  • Avoid sun exposure two weeks before and three months after treatment.
  • Use photoprotective cream with SPF 50 at least three months after treatment (if sun exposure is foreseen).
  • Wash the treated areas twice a day with water and neutral soap until the scabs fall off completely.