Facial flaccidity, after 40

Dr. Marta Busquets Romagosa is an aesthetic doctor and belongs to Top Doctors, the select circle of top doctors in Spain. As an expert in facial flaccidity, she will explain the details of this treatment.

When is a person considered to have facial flaccidity?

Our appearance changes over the years and there are changes that are specific to each age. At the age of 30 the first fine wrinkles appear around the eyes, little by little the furrows become more marked and around the age of 40 we begin to notice the first symptoms of flaccidity. The flaccidity begins in the area of the eyelids, cheekbones and little by little we see that we lose the definition of the oval of the face, we lose the facial oval and sometimes even a double chin appears. This occurs because the production of collagen and elastin, which are the elements that give firmness and elasticity to the skin, decreases over the years. In addition, the union between the skin and the musculature weakens and this causes the face to lengthen. When we age we see that the face lengthens but we are not aware that there is another process that occurs, and that is that we lose volume, the volume of the cheekbones, the volume of the cheeks, and this loss causes the face to flatten. When we treat flaccidity we have to take this into account because we also have to replace these volumes that have been lost, so treating them does not consist in putting where there was none or making an exaggerated correction, but in respecting the physiognomy of each person and that the appearance is natural and natural.

What are the best techniques to combat it?

Facial flaccidity is one of the most difficult treatments in aesthetic medicine. We have different treatments and choosing one or another will depend on the degree of flaccidity on the one hand and then the expectations of the patient. There are treatments that are more preventive, softer, such as radiofrequency, rejuvenation with pulsed light, facial mesotherapy with vitamins and hyaluronic acid, botulinum toxin which is very good for lifting the look and treat the upper third of the face, fillers or fillers that help us to recover lost volumes and autologous biostimulation with growth factors which is a powerful treatment, mainly as a preventive. For when the flaccidity is a little more established we have different treatments. They are fillers, filler materials, that where we place them act by generating collagen, they are implanted by puncture or following the tension lines of the face. The material is absorbed in about 6 months and the result lasts for a year or a year and a half. In this line act the recently incorporated mini-threads, which are of PDO, and that act for a time, are absorbed in 6 months and its action lasts for a year or a year and a half. It must be clear that when flaccidity is very evident the treatment is always surgery and it is something that must be explained very clearly to the patient.

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Can it be prevented with exercises and facial massages?

Exercises and facial massages improve the oxygenation of the tissues and therefore improve the tone and act as a preventive and as a treatment for facial flaccidity. Lymphatic drainage also helps because it eliminates toxins and works in the same sense. We must keep in mind that we must have healthy lifestyle habits, the right diet, good hydration and avoid as much as possible toxic habits such as alcohol, tobacco or excessive exposure to the sun. Prevention should start around the age of 30. We have a working protocol that works very well for us. It combines facial mesotherapy with autologous plasma biostimulation and radiofrequency. This protocol used a couple of times a year is an excellent preventive.