New developments in the treatment of aneurysms and stenosis

Minimally invasive arterial surgery or endovascular techniques (TEV) is a procedure developed at the end of the last century that consists of treating both narrowing (stenosis and/or occlusions) and dilatations (aneurysms) of the arteries. What is minimally invasive arterial surgery or Endovascular Techniques (TEV)? The technique consists of puncturing an artery distal to the affected … Read more

Do varicose veins hurt?

Varicose veins are permanent dilatations that occur in the veins and that alter their functionality. They are usually red or bluish in color and there are several types depending on their size and the possible symptoms or complications they cause in the body if they are not treated. What causes varicose veins? Varicose veins are … Read more

What is an aneurysm

What is an aneurysm? An aneurysm is a permanent and localized dilatation in an artery; the affected artery loses the parallelism of its walls and dilates. We consider it to be an aneurysm when the diameter of the artery is 50% greater than normal. If it does not reach that figure, we speak of arterial … Read more

Venous thromboembolic disease (VTEV) and COVID-19

Venous thromboembolic disease is a condition in which thrombosis (blood clotting) occurs within the main venous system, usually of the legs, and is often combined with the movement of thrombus fragments into the lung, causing pulmonary thromboembolism. Nowadays, we use this term to refer to these two processes which are closely related. What causes venous … Read more