All about endovenous treatment of varicose veins

What does endovenous treatment of varicose veins consist of?

This treatment consists of correcting the venous insufficiency that causes varicose veins. It is performed by means of a catheter inserted into the diseased vein to close it and allow blood to return to the heart only through healthy veins.

There are two modalities of endovenous treatment of varicose veins: systems that use heat (radiofrequency and laser) and those that are carried out without heat (adhesive and mechanical-chemical ablation). The former require epidural anesthesia or anesthesia of the entire vein, while the latter are performed exclusively with local anesthesia at the site where the catheter is inserted.

With respect to the latter, mechanical-chemical ablation requires the use of elastic stockings after the procedure, but not adhesive systems. This is undoubtedly the most advanced treatment currently available to treat varicose veins.

What are the benefits of the treatment?

The benefits of the treatment are its low aggressiveness (the catheter is inserted by puncture through the skin or through a small incision of a few millimeters). But it also offers the advantages of not requiring hospital admission, immediate closure of the vein and rapid return to normal activity, since the patient does not have to rest or wear bandages: he can lead a normal life. There are few risks, such as the appearance of a small inflammatory reaction in the path of the treated vein, which is usually temporary.

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Who can undergo this type of treatment?

Endovenous treatment of varicose veins is valid for patients with internal and/or external saphenous vein insufficiency. It can also be used in patients already operated on for varicose veins by conventional surgical methods, in which they have reappeared.

What is the postoperative period like?

The postoperative period of endovenous treatment of varicose veins, especially that which uses an adhesive substance to seal the vein, is very benign. There is no pain, just maybe a little temporary discomfort and perfectly tolerable. It does not require the use of elastic stockings or bandages, and the patient can lead a normal life from the moment he/she leaves the operating room. Today, it is the treatment of choice for this widespread disease.