Lifting without surgery: how is it possible?

Lifting without surgery is the treatment or set of treatments for facial rejuvenation with minimally invasive techniques, which allow repositioning the tissues, replenish volumes, correct wrinkles and improve sagging, giving a younger and rested appearance to patients.

Among the most commonly used are: fillers, botulinum toxin and tensor threads.

How does a non-surgical facelift work?

  • Filler materials. Hyaluronic acid (HA) fillers have many favorable characteristics that make them the most popular injectable filler device. It is the most commonly used injectable filler in use today. It allows repositioning tissues, replenishing volumes, correcting some anatomical alterations, wrinkles and improving the appearance of tissues.
  • Botulinum toxin. Botulinum toxin injection for the treatment of facial wrinkles is the most frequently performed cosmetic procedure in the world; and it is one of the most commonly added procedures within their services by physicians seeking to incorporate aesthetic treatments into their clinical practice. Treatment of frown and periocular (crow’s feet) lines are the approved cosmetic indications; and treatment of horizontal forehead lines offers predictable results with few adverse effects and is associated with high patient satisfaction. Wrinkles are formed by repetitive contraction of the underlying facial musculature. Botulinum toxin is a potent neurotoxin that inhibits the release of acetylcholine at the neuromuscular junction. Injection of small amounts of botulinum toxin into specific hyperactive muscles causes localized muscle relaxation that smoothes the overlying skin and reduces wrinkles. The effects of botulinum toxin take about two weeks to fully develop and last three to four months. Dynamic wrinkles, which are visible during muscle contraction, produce more dramatic results than static wrinkles, which are visible at rest.
  • Tightening Threads Polydioxanone (PDO) suture lifting is a cosmetic procedure in which lax tissue is lifted and repositioned in an attempt to create a more youthful-looking facial contour. The threads are absorbable and come in different shapes and lengths. The complication rate and downtime of the procedure are low, which is something patients look for. Ideally, these procedures should be performed by trained specialists who have a thorough knowledge of facial anatomy, thus enhancing the results. The thread lift with PDO absorbable threads has become an excellent option for minimally invasive facial rejuvenation procedures with high patient satisfaction and very few complications.
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What differentiates the non-surgical facelift from other methods or techniques of facial rejuvenation?

Compared to a surgical facelift, it does not require anesthesia, hospitalization or excessive care. However, advanced cases will not achieve the results that can be obtained with surgery.

If we compare it with the aparatology, faster, more visible and long lasting results are obtained.

What are the main benefits?

The results are very pleasing and practically immediate. No hospitalization is required, it is performed in the office and the patient can go home or go about his/her daily activities with simple care and instructions to be followed.

In expert hands the risks of side effects are greatly reduced.

When can a facelift be used without surgery?

Each face is different, therefore an individualized assessment is needed to decide who is the ideal candidate for a facelift without surgery.

In general terms it is aimed at those patients with wrinkles, sagging and mild/moderate flaccidity.

Advanced cases will always benefit more from surgery, although they can obviously experience considerable improvement with a less invasive treatment such as a non-surgical facelift.

For more information, please consult with a specialist in Aesthetic Medicine.