How to avoid pollen allergy symptoms

Pollen allergy is one of the most common cases among the population. When the body comes into contact with the particles, this allergic reaction occurs. The defenses are activated and generate the uncomfortable symptoms, which disturb the daily life of every person. These include: conjunctivitis, itchy eyes, sneezing, nasal congestion and itching, irritability, rhinitis, respiratory problems such as coughing or asthma, headache, fatigue, whistling in the chest and a gritty sensation in the eyes.

As for pollen, these are tiny particles produced by the male reproductive system of flowers. Just one plant can create thousands of pollen grains, which can be seen as a yellow powder on the flowers, but invisible when it comes into contact with the air.

How to prevent pollen allergy

If a person is allergic to pollen it is impossible to avoid this problem, however, it is possible to practice a series of preventive measures to reduce as much as possible the exposure to pollen and suffer as little as possible its effects. The following are a series of preventive measures.

  • It is advisable to avoid going out to spend the day in the countryside or in the mountains during high pollen concentration seasons. There are mobile applications such as Polencontrol, or the Pólenes website where this information can be consulted.
  • Refresh the nose and eyes often to take care of hygiene and avoid possible problems in these areas.
  • Secure the windows of the home during the morning and create a humid environment. It is also advisable to ventilate the house in five minutes, so that a large amount of pollen does not enter.
  • Clean the home frequently, using if possible a vacuum cleaner and remove dust with a damp cloth.
  • Use protection, such as sunglasses or a face mask.
  • When using the car, travel with the windows up.
  • When arriving home, take a shower and change clothes to avoid being in contact with pollen particles collected in the street.
  • Use air purifiers at home and anti-pollen filters in the car.
  • Avoid intense physical exercise in contact with pollen to avoid possible asthma problems.
  • Do not carry out gardening tasks during periods of high pollination.
  • Do not hang clothes outdoors to avoid contact with pollen.
  • Consult with a medical professional about the type of medication to take and avoid taking pills on your own.
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The allergist can diagnose a specific treatment and prevention plan appropriate for each person to treat the individual symptoms of each patient.

Treatment of pollen allergy

Pollen allergy pills, also known as antihistamines, should always be monitored by a professional. Each patient will develop different symptoms, and the specialist is in charge of advising the best treatment in each case. It is also advisable for pollen sufferers to consult the concentration levels in order to avoid exposure to high levels of pollen that can cause allergic symptoms to worsen.