Ozone therapy to treat tennis elbow

Tennis elbow refers to pain in the external area of the elbow, caused by the effect of the so-called “backhand stroke”, at the moment of flexion and extension of the forearm. This movement, in a repetitive way, generates an overload that triggers pain in the external area of the elbow and gives rise to an epicondylitis, with a pain that can become very disabling.

However, this pathology is not exclusive to tennis players. More and more commercials are coming to the Sports Medicine specialist’s office, due to the use of iPads and tablets in a semi-flexed position, as well as those professionals who use their cell phones for a long time. It also occurs in mechanics, housewives, waiters who carry trays with a lot of weight, etc.

Use of ozone therapy for treating tennis elbow

Ozone therapy treatment for tennis elbow is local. It consists of an ozone infiltration, with the great advantage of using very small caliber needles. Its administration is painless.

A series of 5 infiltrations is performed, and ultrasound monitoring can be performed to observe and confirm the effectiveness of the treatment, finding a solution to the inflammation.

Results of treatment with ozone therapy for tennis elbow

The results of ozone therapy are very good. From the first infiltration a small pain relief can be noticed. However, the effect is noticeable after the third or fourth dose of infiltrations.

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Is there a possibility of recurrence of the ailment?

Generally, ozone produces a repermeabilization, desensitization and renewal of the injured tissue, so it is a highly effective technique, very resolutive and of great use today compared to conventional techniques, so that the ailment should not reappear.