10 tips to get over a breakup and be the best version of yourself

Overcoming a breakup is one of the most frequent demands in the psychology office, and there are those who feel lost, alone and unable to recover their spirits.

For those who have not experienced it firsthand, it may be hard to believe that they can be more saddened by a breakup than by a major obstacle such as losing a job, an illness or the death of a loved one. However, emotions don’t always know priorities.

Don’t let a breakup affect your daily routine.

Although we can’t measure sadness, it’s important to control how homesickness affects our routine. After sharing so much with someone, it’s hard to move on when you lose them, but we must keep in mind that our happiness is too important to leave it in any hands other than your own.

Falling in love with being in love

You can be sure that you don’t need him or her. It is possible to feel the need or longing to have someone to wake up with, to go to bed with or to learn to enjoy the silence, to have someone to listen to us, to plan life with, to share moments with, someone to grow old with.

10 steps to overcome a breakup

Although it may seem difficult to be happy alone, it is also difficult to be happy when depending on a person. When faced with a breakup, these 10 steps help you turn the page and be the best version of yourself.

  1. Forget about being their friend, at least for a while.
  2. Look good for yourself, now only one opinion matters: yours.
  3. Play a sport you love, sport is the grown-up game.
  4. Make those plans you used to miss, like going to the movies, concerts, a trip…
  5. Enjoy your job, too, and if that’s not possible, update your resume and move around to find fulfilling activities. Even if you don’t change jobs in the end, it never hurts to review your talents.
  6. Clean up your schedule and your social networks.
  7. Spend more time with friends, you will even see that you recover those with whom you stopped seeing during the relationship.
  8. Expand your environment, find people with the same interests.
  9. Renew your closet, looking good starts with yourself.
  10. Expand your knowledge in fields that interest you, now you have time to read or take that course you wanted so much.
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It’s about being your best version, for yourself.