Social Networking Addicts: How to Identify Them

More and more teenagers around the world are developing addiction to social networks, due to the fact that in order to socialize more they are permanently connected.

The most attractive to young people are Instagram, Twitter and Facebook, without forgetting WhatsApp and YouTube, which, although they are not conventional social networks, are part of the daily lives of millions of people.

In the popular sphere, the purpose of social networks is to be a complement for social relations, however, some sectors of the population, as in the case of teenagers, abuse them excessively.

Addiction to social networks is associated with young people with shortcomings, which they try to make up for by giving a good image on the networks, which is quite different from reality. Despite this, in non-pathological cases it has positive connotations, such as allowing you to expand your circle of contacts. However, the problem comes when obligations are put aside to devote time to the use of these tools.

Moreover, the most serious problem is that the abuse of these tools leads to a distancing from family and real friends to replace them with social users. This problem is general, as it occurs in many different age groups. However, teenagers are the most affected as they have the most time to access the Internet.

Are all addictions the same?

As in any pathology, there are people who are more vulnerable and others who are stronger, so we would not find a single addiction profile, but an infinite number of them.

This type of addiction is difficult to determine nowadays without a professional diagnosis. This is because a high percentage of people have active profiles on social networks, which makes it difficult to determine who are addicts and who are not.

There are certain personal characteristics and emotional states that tend to increase the vulnerability of the addict. In this sense, at CITA we approach the treatment to be followed by the patient from a psychological point of view.

The consequences that the patient may suffer after overcoming the addiction must also be treated psychologically. Some of them are: hyperactivity, rejection of their body image, excessive shyness, low self-esteem or depression.

In this case, the Internet acts as an insulator, allowing them to control these insecurities by shielding themselves in an unreal world. Likewise, they try to compensate for personal dissatisfaction in their personal relationships with an active use of their profiles.

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Identifying addiction to social networks

The drawbacks and benefits of social networks are the same as those associated with the Internet and other technological platforms. The effect they will have on each individual will depend to a large extent on how well they use them.

Social profiles allow you to have followers and get some media notoriety, in some cases. Currently, many users imitate the behavior of the influencers of the moment, with the intention of being able to monetize their publications.

People who share their hairstyles, their makeup techniques, their sports skills, etc., are subject to a public pressure that not everyone could cope with. In addition, in order not to lose prominence in social networks, it is necessary to have a continuous feedback with our followers, which generates addiction in many cases.

When families think that a relative may be an addict, they should ask for information about social media addiction without obligation. At CITA we have successfully treated thousands of patients from all over the world.

What are the warning signs?

The most characteristic symptoms of this pathology are:

  • Emotional distress
  • Search for strong emotions
  • Impulsivity
  • Intolerance to negative stimuli such as: fatigue, insomnia, pain, displeasure, worries, etc.

How is this disorder treated?

The treatment for Internet addicts usually consists of the psychological part, and sometimes, depending on the severity of the case, a psychopharmacological part may be necessary. These two aspects will act together for the benefit of the patient.

On the one hand, sociotherapeutic and psychological treatments will be carried out on the basis of an individual evaluation of each patient, seeking the best way to approach the therapy of the affected person.

On the other hand, drugs will be used only in cases of extreme severity, which require extra help to overcome the addiction. Some cases in which it might be advisable would be when the patient presents anxiety or bipolar behaviors.

By means of pharmacology, impulsive attitudes, mood swings, anxiety or depression can be reduced. However, it is essential that these medications are prescribed by a specialist in this pathological psychiatry. At CITA we have great professionals that will allow us to choose the most appropriate method for each patient.