How to control anxiety

Anxiety is a normal feeling that we experience from time to time in times of danger or worry. It helps us to be able to react better in difficult moments.

When to see a specialist for anxiety

Anxiety can become a problem if we feel it with some frequency without there seeming to be a reason for it, the symptoms are prolonged and severe or prevent us from doing what we want to do. It is then when we must go to a specialist.

As anxiety is a normal reaction, the objective is not to make it disappear, but to learn to control it and reduce it to manageable levels.

When there are difficulties to control anxiety it tends to remain, even if there is no apparent cause for it. People get into the habit of worrying excessively about their problems, expecting difficulties or avoiding difficult situations. Sometimes they do things that only reassure them at first, such as being extremely tidy or repeating checks. The body gets used to being tense and a vicious circle is created: as the symptoms are unpleasant, the person becomes more sensitive to any physical alteration, worries continuously that something might happen to him, which makes him more anxious.

Are some people predisposed to anxiety?

There are some people who are more vulnerable to anxiety, such as those with a tendency to worry excessively, to overreact to difficulties or who have suffered difficult experiences. Sometimes, the accumulation of small problems causes anxiety.

Is it true that anxiety increases in spring and autumn? Why?

Anxiety is the disorder most sensitive to weather changes. In spring and autumn the cases of panic attacks, anxiety, but also depression and even suicides increase.

Types of anxiety

There are different types of pathological anxiety:

  1. Generalized anxiety disorder: general and constant feeling of worry.
  2. Panic disorder: sudden attacks of panic feelings with intense anxiety.
  3. Agoraphobia: feelings of panic in places where the person has the sensation of not being able to leave, escape or feel unprotected.
  4. Post-traumatic stress disorder: intense anxiety after having lived through a terrifying experience involving physical threat or harm.
  5. Social phobia: when faced with social situations.
  6. Specific phobias: when faced with very specific situations such as proximity to certain animals or heights.
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What should we avoid if we have anxiety?

Some people, to try to reduce the unpleasant tension of the anxiety, usually eat, smoke or drink in excess. Other people avoid situations that cause anxiety. For the time being, this strategy works, but in the long term the fear increases, the person loses self-confidence and the problems increase.

How can we control anxiety?

To reduce anxiety we can work in different areas such as:

  • Understanding what is happening to us, discovering the cause that may have produced the anxiety and acting on it. It is essential to look for solutions. Overwork or unresolved problems wear us down emotionally.
  • Reduce stress. To do so, it is important to manage time and take regular breaks. Exercise, learn to relax, distract ourselves or get enough sleep. Review priorities in life, responsibilities and set realistic goals. Do not demand too much of ourselves. It helps to trust someone and not to keep emotions repressed.
  • Eat a balanced diet, including all the nutrients with fruits, vegetables and nuts. Diets based on processed foods favor deficiencies of some nutrients that may increase these symptoms, such as some vitamins, minerals, polyunsaturated fatty acids, omega-3 or certain amino acids. Drinks containing caffeine or other stimulants should be avoided. Sometimes some medications such as cold medicines can aggravate symptoms.
  • Learn to calm down and think more clearly. Reduce irrational worries.
  • Try not to run away or avoid difficult situations, wait for the fear to subside. Fear can be overcome by going through it.
  • Practice relaxation exercises. Meditation. Breathing slowly.

One of the main tricks to overcome anxiety is perseverance. We cannot be discouraged by the normal ups and downs of recovery.