What you must do to overcome your cocaine addiction

To overcome cocaine addiction the first thing to do is to detox from this drug. This is essential to kick the habit. This is not a simple task by any means, since in many cases it requires the patient to be admitted to a specialized cocaine detoxification center, such as CITA.

In order to quit cocaine for good, it is highly recommended to decide to undergo detoxification. To do so, we start by immediately interrupting the consumption of cocaine, to later start with the phases of detoxification and reinsertion, through psychology and by changing the patient’s routines.

Detoxification treatment

It requires the addict’s consent and will. Without the necessary motivation and spirit of self-improvement, cocaine treatment would not be effective.

In terms of drugs, cocaine has been shown to be one of the most addictive. Therefore, it is necessary to eliminate all cocaine from the body. Once the process is initiated, its consumption is strictly prohibited and work begins on improving the symptoms generated by the addiction.

Treatments must be personalized, based on the amount of consumption and the patient’s habit. You should go to a center for cocaine addicts such as CITA, which thanks to its treatments and a medical team with all kinds of specialists has managed to help thousands of patients.

Asking for help, a positive symptom

When an addict asks for help from someone in his environment to overcome his cocaine problem, a turning point in the patient’s cure is reached. Trying to carry out the treatment alone is a mistake, since the necessary psychological and pharmacological support will not be available. The patient will have an internal struggle with his addiction, which he will be able to overcome more easily with the help of his loved ones.

At this point, the patient has overcome the physical dependence, but must still manage to stop using and overcome the psychological dependence.

The process of withdrawal

This process constitutes the second phase of the cocaine detoxification process. By means of applied psychology techniques, the patient works on different aspects and techniques that will serve as a basis to avoid future relapses.

CITA has a detoxification program that consists of psychotherapeutic and sociotherapeutic activities that allow the patient to overcome cocaine detoxification by changing the patient’s routines.

Final phase: rehabilitation

Rehabilitation is the last phase of the cocaine detoxification process. It is when the patient gets rid of the after-effects of his addiction. Different therapeutic techniques are used and the addict is instructed on how to cope with the consumption of this substance when he/she is immersed in situations that push him/her to do so. Another point to highlight would be that the self-esteem of the affected person is boosted, because it is essential to overcome the treatment successfully.

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At this stage, the help of drug addiction specialists is essential to ensure that the process goes as smoothly as possible. In this respect, CITA is also one of the world’s leading centers.

The work of detoxification centers

CITA has 30 years of experience in the treatment of drug-dependent patients, making it an expert in a wide range of drug addictions. One of the secrets of their success is the bond created between patients and doctors. On the other hand, they carry out workshops and group therapies in which they work on different activities that allow them to create an effective plan to avoid a relapse.

Duration of detoxification treatment

It is not a process in which the duration can be estimated. As each patient and their addiction is different, each one will have a process with a different duration. Some suffer relapses and others do not, it is very random. Some may find it harder than others to overcome withdrawal. It is not written anywhere when the patient will be ready to resume normal life without being able to relapse.

In conclusion, we could say that it will be a long process, which, depending on the individual, can last weeks, months or even years.

How can we identify cocaine abuse?

There are a series of symptoms that allow us to identify the addict’s vulnerability. These may occur within fifteen to thirty minutes after consumption. The main ones would be the following:

  • State of euphoria and self-confidence, or anxiety and paranoia.
  • Initially, the effects are better tolerated, which leads to an increase in the dose consumed.
  • Dependence on the drug is created, even if consumption is only during weekends.
  • It can cause psychiatric, neurological, cardiac and respiratory problems.

What symptoms occur in the addict when he/she tries to stop using?

When the addict stops or reduces the consumption of the drug to try to detoxify, cocaine withdrawal syndrome occurs. This symptomatology can occur when the user has not completely abandoned the drug and has substance in the blood.

The main symptoms of this syndrome are:

  • Malaise, vomiting or tremors, which may last for several days.
  • Cocaine mono tends to last a few weeks.
  • After overcoming the monkey, the addict is not completely cured, as he or she may use again and regain the habit.

How can you know if you are dependent?

We would understand dependence as the state of need for consumption that occurs when the drug has been consumed regularly for a continuous period of time. The consumption of narcotic substances produces a negative influence on the drug addict’s life, at work, family, social and legal levels.

The main characteristics that allow us to identify cocaine dependence are:

  • The incessant need to consume it by obtaining it by any means.
  • Tolerance to the effects of the drug is lost, which can lead to an intense toxic reaction.
  • Absence of withdrawal symptoms, due to psychic dependence on the drug.