The 6 Most Common Pregnancy Questions

During pregnancy, many doubts, questions and queries arise about this vital process. Dr. Serrano Olmedo, specialist in Gynecology and Obstetrics, solves the most common doubts that arise when pregnant.

How do I know if I am pregnant?

The most effective way to know if a person is pregnant is to perform a test or pregnancy test. This procedure can detect a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), which is produced by the embryo, just after it has been fertilized.

This test can be performed through urine or blood. As you may have seen around you, the most common is to perform a urine pregnancy test, which is qualitative; that is, it tells us if there is a pregnancy hormone, but not the amount of hormone that is present. It should be performed when you have a one week delay in your menstruation.

On the other hand, the blood pregnancy test is quantitative, and helps us to know how much hormone is in the body. This test is usually performed when pregnancy has been produced through assisted reproduction or when it is suspected that a pregnancy may have some kind of risk or not go 100% well, such as when an ectopic pregnancy occurs.

You may also notice that you are pregnant if you experience any of these more frequent symptoms in the first weeks of pregnancy: nausea and vomiting, increased breast size and tenderness, excessive tiredness and sleepiness, or increased urination.

What habits should I have during pregnancy?

During pregnancy it is recommended to maintain healthy lifestyle habits that include a healthy and balanced diet, avoiding ultra-processed foods, doing sports 2-3 days a week (if your doctor or midwife does not contraindicate it), maintaining proper hydration, drinking 2 liters of water a day and a proper rest with 8 hours of sleep.

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What is the best age to get pregnant? And the worst?

There is no ideal age to become pregnant, since it is a decision that depends on many factors at a personal, social, couple and work level, among others.

But if we had to choose, from a biological point of view, the ideal age would be before 35 years old, since from that moment on the risk of miscarriages, chromosomal abnormalities and infertility, among other problems, increases.

What are the most common symptoms during pregnancy?

The most frequent symptoms will vary depending on the trimester you are in. In the first trimester, nausea and vomiting, increased breast size and tenderness, fatigue and excessive sleepiness or increased urination, heavy digestion and increased gas are common.

In the second trimester may appear night cramps in the legs, pain in the groin from uterine stretching, bleeding gums or nose…

In the third trimester, heartburn, constipation, insomnia, fatigue and fluid retention are common.

What exercises can I do during pregnancy to stay in shape?

During pregnancy, it is recommended to do sports at least 2-3 days a week (if your doctor or midwife does not advise against it), combining aerobic sports with strength and/or flexibility work. Swimming, yoga and Pilates can help relieve typical pregnancy discomforts such as lower back pain, help improve flexibility and help you fall asleep.

How much will my belly grow during pregnancy and from what week onwards?

It will depend on many factors. If it is your first pregnancy, your belly will probably not grow until 4-5 months of pregnancy, do not be overwhelmed or compare yourself with anyone, it is normal. On the other hand, if it is your second or third pregnancy, from the second month you will notice, especially at night, a bigger belly.

Then, in the third trimester, the size of your belly will also depend on the weight of the baby and the amount of amniotic fluid.