The natural treatment to remove double chin without surgery

Both adult women and men of all ages often find that they have unsightly pockets of fat under the chin, known as a double chin, which causes them to lose confidence in their appearance.

A double chin resists many fat loss methods such as diet or exercise and is usually caused by aging, genetics, weight gain or a combination of all. Now, the Belkyra treatment is an innovative way to get rid of double chins naturally and without surgery.

How to remove double chin without surgery with Belkyra

Belkyra consists of a synthetic chemical that can be found naturally in the body in smaller amounts. Deoxycholate is the active ingredient in question, which has been used in cosmetic treatments. When injected into the fat layers, it causes the destruction of the fat cells and they can no longer store or accumulate fat where they have acted.

Thus, this treatment works in the same way as facial fillers: an injectable liquid is inserted into the fat under the chin to break down the unwanted fat. In addition, the treatment also has a significant firming effect on the skin in the area. Due to the inflammation caused by the destruction of the fat in the area, the formation of new collagen is stimulated, which firms the skin. It is therefore important for the result this transient inflammation, since it will depend on the degree of result obtained.

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The vast majority of patients present visible and satisfactory results after two or four sessions that will last over time.

The importance of putting yourself in expert hands

Deoxycholic acid does not recognize which cells to destroy, so if the injection is not performed correctly in the hands of a professional there may be a risk. That is why it is essential to have a doctor specialized in Aesthetic Medicine and trained in applying this treatment.

Contraindications of the Belkyra treatment to eliminate double chin

Pregnant or breastfeeding women should not have any injection, so the treatment is not recommended. On the other hand, people with liver or heart problems are also not good candidates. Patients with lax or excessive skin may be better candidates for other treatments, with laser or liposuction, so the first step should be to go to a specialist in Aesthetic Medicine to analyze each case in a personalized way.