Radiofrequency with RFAL technology – Bodytite: solution to flaccidity of the arms

There are several reasons why flaccidity appears on the inner side of the arms. One of the first causes is age. Over the years the skin loses collagen and this results in a loss of elasticity and firmness of the skin. But, in addition to the inevitable aging, flaccidity in the arms can also appear by overweight or continuous ups and downs of weight that can be experienced with the passage of time. When the above processes occur the skin stretches and contracts repeatedly causing a loss of elasticity. And finally we can include as causative factors the genetic predisposition and the constitution of the silhouette, which are structural factors that end up affecting the skin.

The flaccidity or loss of firmness in the arms is manifested, in the first term, next to the armpit and evolves to the whole area, producing what is often called “bat wings” or the pendulum effect of the arm.

In what cases is the treatment of arm flaccidity with radiofrequency recommended?

The treatment of flaccidity in the arms is recommended using the RFAL radiofrequency technique (radiofrequency assisted lipolysis) and, specifically, with its two best exponents, such as Morfeus 8 and Bodytite, when the flaccidity and sagging of the area are in mild and/or moderate degrees.

These degrees of sagging can appear in arms of normal size that begin the sagging process due to skin problems, in arms with fat accumulation where excess weight will cause sagging, or in arms with very flaccid skin and with very little subcutaneous fatty tissue that will also present wrinkled skin.

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Advantages of treatment of arm flaccidity with RFAL radiofrequency (Morfeus 8 and Bodytite)

External treatments that are used in these cases, such as mesotherapy, collagen inducers, HIFU, LPG, etc. can be complementary to the proposed technology, but they will not achieve by themselves the restructuring and retraction of the skin that is achieved with RFAL technology.

It is a minimally invasive treatment that, in cases of patients between 25-50 years of age, with a good quality of skin and subcutaneous tissue, will present a very good skin retraction.

In cases of patients over 50 years of age and with poorer skin quality, this treatment is also minimally invasive, combining the two technologies Moprfues 8 and Bodytite, and getting a good skin retraction.

Treatments are performed on an outpatient basis by the specialist in Aesthetic Medicine and Surgery, usually lasting between 60-90 minutes and recovery in mild cases is usually 4-5 days, and in more severe cases recovery will take about 4 weeks. The final result will always be better after 2-3 months.