Lip rejuvenation: recover its natural shape

The lips are part of the balance of the lower third of the face. According to experts in aesthetic medicine, with the passage of time the lips change, losing their shape and volume, due to several internal and external factors.

Causes of lip shape loss

Among the internal factors is the atrophy and loss of tone of the orbicularis oris muscle of the lips, causing the lip to lose its convex and oblique shape and become more vertical. The cutaneous, mucosal and bony portions also undergo changes. External factors that accelerate lip aging are tobacco, sun exposure, etc.

Treatment to restore lip volume

Currently there are treatments that allow to recover the smoothness, volume and lip shape according to the needs of each patient.

The treatment consists of injecting hyaluronic acid both in the peribuccal region to improve the skin and peribuccal wrinkles, while outlining and defining the philtrum and the cupid’s bow.

For patients who want to augment, project the lip or simply recover lost volume, the lip mucosa is injected, always respecting the physical features of each patient so that the final result is natural.

Treatment results

There are no risks or side effects if the treatment is performed by a trained professional with exhaustive knowledge of the lip and peribuccal anatomy. The most common adverse effects are swelling, redness, edema that disappears between 24 and 72 hours and hematoma that lasts between 5 and 7 days.

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The procedure is performed under local anesthesia for greater patient comfort. After the treatment the patient can lead a normal life, it is advisable not to sunbathe while the inflammation lasts or in case a hematoma appears.

The duration of the treatment will depend on the patient and the type of hyaluronic acid that is injected but on average the duration is usually six months to a year.