The three keys to success of dental veneers

The smile is the most distinctive feature of human expression and, for this reason, the demand for dental esthetic treatments is increasing. Treatments in this field have evolved a lot in recent times and society has been adapting.

However, behind a quality esthetic rehabilitation there is a great deal of work and many factors must be taken into account that, a priori, may go unnoticed by the patient.

How to ensure the quality of an esthetic dental treatment?

There are a series of steps that must be followed to ensure that an esthetic dental treatment is of quality:

  • Detect possible degenerative pathologies.

First of all, the causes that lead the patient to the current undesired dental esthetics must be identified in order to combat them and guarantee the stability of the treatment in the long term. That is why it is essential to go to a center not only specialized in dental esthetics but also in the rest of specialties in Dentistry and Stomatology.

A frequent example is gum disease or periodontitis. It is very important to make a study of the gums prior to the esthetic study, because if the gums are bad and are not treated correctly before the esthetic treatment, it is possible that the treatment will not last long. The same happens with the rest of pathologies that can affect the mouth and that must be studied and treated correctly by the corresponding specialists.

  • Choosing quality craftsmen to create the prostheses

Choosing a good laboratory in charge of making esthetic dental crowns or veneers is key to the quality of the esthetic result. There are currently a large number of prosthetic laboratories in our country, but there are few that are true craftsmen. Finding the best laboratory and “craftsman” is not an easy task for dental clinics. Good ceramists are able to give naturalness to the prosthesis, designing the veneers with the correct colors and textures that mimic 100% the natural tooth.

  • Choosing a doctor specialized in esthetic restorations
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The doctor has to make many decisions throughout the process, from the initial assessment and digitization of the case to the placement of the veneers and/or crowns, so coordination must be constant.

In addition, to achieve an optimal esthetic result that is minimally invasive to the tooth and ensures its long-term stability, tasks that require technical skills and a great deal of precision must be performed.