Restore self-esteem with a perfect smile

What are veneers and why are they so popular?

First of all, we should clarify that veneers are a strictly aesthetic and painless treatment, but in no case are they the solution to replace a missing tooth.

Veneers are small plates between 0.3 and 0.8 millimeters thick on the surface of the external face of the tooth, which camouflage the tooth, providing a more aesthetic appearance to the smile.

They are mainly an esthetic treatment, which offers the possibility of designing a completely renewed dentition, but with a very natural appearance. Another advantage of this type of treatment is that it improves the resistance of the teeth, as it protects their surface from damage and has a hardness similar to enamel.

Is the material important?

There are several models of esthetic veneers, but the two most commonly used are composite veneers and porcelain veneers. In any case, the specialist will choose the most appropriate option for each particular case. If you are given a choice, porcelain will always be the best option.

Composite veneers are made of an acrylic resin base mixed with ceramic, which gives them a fairly high resistance. These are placed directly on the tooth, so that your dentist can mold the shape and give the desired size, and then harden it with ultraviolet light.

The main advantage of the composite ones is that they do not require much prior preparation, only a filing of the enamel of the piece. In addition, it is a more agile process, since they are not made in an external laboratory; they are cheaper than porcelain ones, since their price is around 200 euros, and they are easier to repair in case of breakage.

The disadvantages that we can find are that they have a lower estimated durability, between 5 and 10 years, and the possibility that over time and the use of food and beverages the color of the veneer material is altered. In addition, although they are very resistant, it is necessary to visit the dentist periodically for maintenance.

Among those made of porcelain we usually distinguish two types: E.max and Lumineers, since they are the main ones we will find in the market. However, there are not too many differences between the two. It is a glass ceramic that is reinforced with materials such as leucite, which gives it the highest possible level of resistance, very similar to the tooth enamel itself. This type of aesthetic veneers are elaborated outside the dental clinic, and therefore the treatment with this material is somewhat slower. First, the measurements of the patient’s teeth must be taken and this information must be transferred to the laboratory, which will design, in a completely personalized way, all the necessary veneers. At the next visit, the dentist will place them using a powerful dental adhesive.

Porcelain veneers are more durable. With good care, they can be part of your smile for the next 15 to 20 years. In addition, they look more natural and their color does not usually vary. This type of treatment does not require periodic check-ups, as is the case with composite veneers.

However, porcelain veneers require more time for placement, because it is necessary to go several days to the office to take measurements, to which is added the time it takes the laboratory to make the pieces. Its price is higher and, in case of fracture, there is no option of a repair, but it would have to be completely replaced and the whole process would have to be started all over again. Then, re-measure, send it back to the lab, etc.

What maintenance do veneers require?

  • Moderate consumption of foods and beverages with coloring.
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The consumption of colored foods should be monitored, as they can affect composite veneers. Porcelain veneers, on the other hand, will not suffer loss of the original color.

Composite is a material that loses its white color over time, so it is advisable to avoid eating too many drinks and foods such as: cola, red wine, coffee, red fruits…

Porcelain, on the other hand, is a material that does not stain, so it will retain its esthetic properties for more years.

  • Moderate smoking

As with colored foods and beverages, smoking is also harmful to composite veneers.

For this reason, if you wear composite dental veneers, you should be especially careful with this habit and avoid excessive smoking.

On the other hand, we can assure you that although smoking is very harmful, it is not a problem for porcelain, since it does not stain.

  • Avoid hard foods

This aspect should be taken into account with both composite and porcelain veneers.

Hard or sticky foods can cause the veneers to break or peel off, so it is also advisable to moderate their consumption.

Some examples of these foods would be: certain nuts, kikos, roasted chickpeas, ice cubes, raw carrots, hard nougat, etc.

It would also be appropriate when eating foods such as apples or sandwiches, that these are not eaten in bites, but are broken into pieces.

  • Taking care of oral hygiene

Regardless of whether we wear veneers, it is important to take care of this aspect. With a good hygiene routine we can keep our teeth healthy for life.

They should be brushed after every meal, and we will use the electric toothbrush instead of the manual one, since we will improve our technique. To reinforce brushing can be complemented with dental floss and interproximal brushes.

  • Avoid biting hard objects

It may not be your case, but there are many people who have small habits that, although they seem harmless, can greatly damage your teeth or veneers.

Some examples of these unhealthy vices would be, for example, nibbling on pens or biting your nails. So, if this is your case, try to avoid these habits.

  • Stop using your teeth as a tool

Using our teeth to open or break packaging, nut shells, etc., can damage veneers or dislodge them. Be careful with this, as it can cost you a veneer to peel or fracture.

  • Wearing a bruxism splint

Whether or not you have bruxism, it is advisable that you get into the habit of wearing an unloading splint at night. This way, the muscles in your face will be more relaxed and will not tense up, causing you to clench your teeth.

  • Follow the maintenance

Porcelain veneers do not need periodic maintenance, but composite veneers do.

Maintenance consists of visiting your specialist every 6 months to have the veneers cleaned, which will allow them to last longer.

If the above care is not followed, the patient’s veneers may become detached, stained or even break.

Can veneers be used for crowded or crooked teeth?

We mistakenly think that orthodontics is the only solution for crooked teeth. However, there are other equally effective ways to solve this problem.

Dental veneers are very useful to fix moderate misalignment of teeth or a diastema (that space that forms in the upper incisors). The veneers option will be faster than braces and just as effective.

They can also serve as a solution for the following situations:

  • Moderate malposition of the dentition: they are indicated in cases of mild crowding.
  • Homogenization of the smile: we will achieve a better position and harmony of the teeth.
  • Putting the pieces together: patients with diastema will be able to achieve a more beautiful smile.