Invisible Orthodontic Systems

What types of invisible orthodontics are there?

Invisible orthodontics is that type of orthodontics that is not visible or minimally visible. It can be classified into two main groups, invisible orthodontics with clear brackets and lingual orthodontics. Invisible orthodontics with transparent splints is a set of transparent splints or aligners that the patient fits himself in the mouth. The patient has to wear these aligners all day except during meals. They are changed approximately every two weeks and new ones are placed. It is a very esthetic system and above all it is a very comfortable system because the patient can place and remove the splints himself and because the aligners are completely adapted to the surface of the tooth avoiding any type of friction on the cheeks. There are several clear brace systems with Invisalign being the most widespread. Lingual orthodontics works in a very similar way to traditional orthodontics. The only difference is that the brackets instead of being bonded to the outer surface of the teeth are on the inner surface making the system completely invisible.

Is the system as effective as the traditional one?

Nowadays, with the great technological advances in both systems, it could be said that invisible orthodontics is just as effective as traditional orthodontics. With Invisalign you can achieve the same results but you have to take into account that the dental displacements occur more slowly than with conventional orthodontics. The number of aligners that each patient should wear depends largely on the type of malocclusion and the complexity of the case. Lingual orthodontics, being a system very similar to traditional orthodontics, has a very similar duration and the results obtained, if one masters the technique, can be exactly the same. Therefore, by choosing the most suitable invisible system, all cases can be treated, but it is essential that the orthodontist assesses which type of system is best suited to the type of malocclusion of each patient.

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When do I start to see results?

The first results in lingual orthodontics begin to be seen after the first month of treatment. With Invisalign it takes a little longer. The advantage of both systems is that while the treatment lasts the patient is already noticing the changes, unlike what happens with other conventional orthodontic systems, since the teeth are partially covered. This increases patient satisfaction with these invisible systems.