How to get through a confinement in a healthy way

These difficult times due to the coronavirus test people’s ability to adapt to the situation.

Although confinement has meant physical isolation, it is impossible to isolate oneself mentally, so this radical change of life can take its toll on people. For this reason, it is necessary to follow a series of guidelines to emerge physically and emotionally strengthened from this complicated situation.

In this sense, to get through the confinement in a healthy way it is important to take care of the body and mind, which are very influenced by each other.

Care for the body

Food is the key to well-being during these days, so it is important to consume the following types of food:

  • Fruits, vegetables and greens: they should form the basis of the daily diet.
  • Legumes and fish: should be consumed three times a week.
  • Chicken, turkey, poultry or rabbit: should be consumed twice a week.

Between meals, it is best to eat a piece of fruit or a handful of nuts, as these are the healthiest options. In addition, occasional treats such as dark chocolate are allowed, because cocoa has a positive influence on people’s mood due to its nutrients.

In any case, it is essential to combine these guidelines with the intake of fluids, especially water, as it helps to keep the body hydrated. In addition, it is important to control the amounts of food we eat, because as we spend the whole day at home, calorie expenditure is much lower.

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Eating patterns should be combined with the practice of exercise at home. Specialists recommend the incorporation of an exercise plan to train the whole body. This table can include cardio exercises such as jumping rope or dancing, an exercise that has many benefits on mood.

On the other hand, it is important to maintain the usual beauty routine. For this reason, the skin should be cleansed and moisturized twice a day, in the morning and at night. In addition, it is also advisable to exfoliate and apply other nutrients through the use of masks.

How to take care of the mind

It is important to maintain emotional balance by maintaining a daily routine. This can be achieved through sleep and eating schedules, and with moments of distraction and entertainment.

During these days, many people are spending most of their time with their families, so they can take advantage of this time to do activities together. However, it is important to have exclusive time for oneself, through activities such as reading, writing, painting or other activities that cannot be developed normally due to lack of time.