Ultralift facial: rejuvenate the skin without surgery

Ultralift HIFU is the only HIFU machine (High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound) that can give very positive results, since it reaches the muscular plane with a really very important power to provide the patient with collagen and elastin, which will improve the overall appearance and those small wrinkles will disappear in just a few minutes of treatment. It consists of the application of high intensity focused ultrasound to rejuvenate the facial skin.

When is the treatment recommended?

The treatment is indicated to correct flaccidity and, above all, where it is really a star treatment is in the lower jaw angle, which is rectified, thus offering a taut and youthful appearance. It also offers excellent results in periorbital and periorbital wrinkles. On the rest of the face it gives a youthful and repositioned appearance. Ultralift is suitable for all skin types and ages, from 30 years of age. The dental area should be protected in those patients with metallic prosthesis, but it is not an impediment to perform the treatment.

What exactly does the Ultralift facial consist of?

The technique is performed by previously applying topical local anesthesia for greater patient comfort. The first 24 hours a flash effect appears, but when you can really see more stable results of collagen and elastin production is from day 21 after application.

Normally the complete treatment consists of two/three sessions, depending on the starting point, that is, the degree of flaccidity or sagging that the patient suffers. Aesthetic Medicine specialists recommend that the sessions be separated by 21 days between them. The results usually last between a year and a year and a half, always depending on the initial state of each patient.