Hair Transplants: recover your hair with natural results

The hair of any person is an important part of the image. That is why its loss or fall can lead to a series of situations that modify behavior and self-confidence. Alopecia affects both men and women, although in percentages it has been established that 40% of the male population suffers from it compared to 10-15% of the female population.

When does hair loss begin?

Hair loss begins between 18 and 20 years of age. The first symptoms affect the receding hairline or the crown of the head. The hair follicle becomes progressively thinner and grows more slowly. There comes a situation in which the hair follicle stops renewing itself and stops being born, which causes a decrease in the amount of hair of the person.

There are several causes of this disease. Genetic predisposition of hereditary character in addition to the hormonal aspect are responsible for 90% of the examples. However, other factors such as stress, burns, certain infectious and hormonal diseases, postpartum changes, intake of certain medications, etc. are also responsible. The frequency of washing, the type of shampoo, the use of hats, poor circulation or seborrhea are false myths that try to justify the origin of alopecia.

What are hair transplants?

These facilitate hair coverage by obtaining hair follicles from the patient’s own hair and relocating them in the areas affected by hair loss. There are two techniques for applying hair micrografts to the patient’s head. The first technique called FUSS is the extraction of a small strip of scalp and where a cut is made to divide each follicular unit one by one. On the other hand, the FUE technique is the individual extraction of each follicle using a circular scalpel.

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The two techniques can be summarized in three phases:

  1. Follicles are extracted from the donor area in order to cover the area where hair has been lost.
  2. The follicles obtained will be classified in follicular units of 1, 2 or 3 hairs, in the same way as they were in the original place.
  3. In the third phase, the reimplantation or placement of the grafts in the alopecic area is performed using local anesthesia in the region to be treated.

Benefits of hair mircorinjertos

  • Definitive technique that provides a great aesthetic improvement and totally natural results.
  • There is no rejection since it is the patient’s own hair.
  • Use of local anesthesia without the need for local anesthesia.