Vibia Sabina©: reversing the triangle of youth with collagen induction

Vibia Sabina© is Dr. Natalia Ribé’s personal collagen-inducing technique that allows lifting the supporting structures of the face, as well as reversing the triangle. It can be applied as a single treatment or combined with other Aesthetic Medicine treatments.

The passage of time causes the loss of the supporting structures of the face, inverting the triangle of youth. Vibia Sabina© allows combating facial flaccidity and achieving a “V” effect. The technique is named in honor of the empress of the Roman Empire who influenced the changes in fashion at the time, adopting simpler models inspired by classical Greece, stylizing facial shapes, highlighting her harmonious and well-defined facial oval.

What does the Vibia Sabina© treatment consist of?

Following the three ascending vectors, with Vibia Sabina© three single injection points are performed: one in the upper third (upper part of the cheekbone), one in the middle third and one in the lower third (mandibular level). In this way, the facial oval is remodeled, something that is lost over the years, with a collagen-inducing therapy adapted to the face. The injection is made in the three points in a linear, retrograde and fan-shaped manner.

The collagen is applied in an upward direction to go against gravity, so that, when it remains in place, the lifting effect is achieved and lasts over time. Depending on the case, sub stitches are also done in the temporal area and in the corner of the mouth.

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How many Vibia Sabina© sessions are necessary and what will the results be like?

It is recommended to perform one to two sessions, with a four-week difference between them, to stimulate the formation of collagen itself during that time. The treatment is performed in consultation and the patient can return to his social and working life immediately, with a harmonious, natural and rejuvenated face.

The results can be seen from the first moment, so it is a very grateful and rewarding treatment for the patient. It is so immediate due to the lifting effect of calcium hydroxyapatite, which will act as an inducer of the collagen that we lose over the years.

Vibia Sabina© combined with other techniques to achieve better results.

Although Vibia Sabina© works as a single treatment, the combined protocols offer more benefits that multiply the benefits of each technique separately. This will provide a comprehensive approach to combat facial flaccidity.