The ultimate stain removal is now possible!

Dr. Inma Costa, a prestigious specialist in Aesthetic Medicine, explains that the Q-Switched (Q-SW) laser is specifically designed for the removal of pigmented lesions, superficial and deep, such as sun or age spots, tattoos or some moles. This technology emits energy in nanoseconds, producing the fragmentation of the pigment and its elimination.

What type of lesions can be treated with the Q-Switched (Q-SW) laser?

  • Spots appear when there is an excessive production of melanin. This can be caused by age or continuous exposure to the sun, among other reasons. Thanks to this laser it is possible to eliminate this type of spots as well as other birthmarks. Among its many advantages, this laser does not require anesthesia and the discomfort is minimal. It only produces a stinging similar to when we jump the oil when cooking and disappears in the following hours. During the following days, the lesion turns into a small scab that falls off 7-10 days after the treatment, leaving a new skin without stain. Sessions vary depending on the patient, but in general, blemishes can be removed in 1 or 2 sessions. Patients should also be aware that some birthmarks may reappear after several months.
  • Adorning the body with tattoos is a very old practice, so the intention to remove them may date back to the beginning. With the Q-Switched® laser it is possible to remove them without leaving scars. It must be understood that tattoos are like bags of ink stored in the dermis and remain very stable and permanent. To remove them, a beam of light is absorbed by the ink particles, causing fragmentation without damaging the surrounding tissues. Generally, 4 to 8 sessions are required every two months, depending on their depth and size.
  • After ups and downs of weight, the dreaded stretch marks may appear, at first pinkish and gradually become white. Areas where stretch marks can appear include the thighs, abdomen, arms and even the chest. The Q-Switched® laser attenuates the appearance of stretch marks, as well as slowing down their appearance. For this, it is necessary to perform several sessions, with the frequency assessed by the specialist in Aesthetic Medicine. This treatment can be combined with plasma infiltrations and chemical peelings in the area to be treated, in this way new skin is generated little by little.