How to avoid foot fungus?

With the arrival of hot weather, mycosis or fungus usually appears. The most common areas of the body where they appear are: the skin (dermatomycosis) and nails (onychomycosis).

How to detect the existence of fungi?

If we notice that our skin reddens we must act quickly and go to the specialist to apply the treatment as soon as possible and thus stop a possible evolution of fungi.

As for nail fungus, it is easily detected due to:

  • Nail coloration (almost yellowish).
  • Nail cracked and giving off an unpleasant odor, caused by humidity.
  • Change in the texture of the nail and the appearance of spots or longitudinal stripes (in the primary stages of evolution).
  • They do not cause pain, which is why we do not give them the necessary importance.

Dermatomycosis or athlete’s foot is an infection of the feet caused by fungi called dermatophytes. The most common fungi that infect the skin are Tricophyton Rubrum, Tricophyton mentagrophytes and Epidermophyton flocosum, although other fungi and yeasts and/or bacteria can be found accompanying these dermatophytes.

Treatment for foot fungus

There are different drugs to treat skin fungus, which are applied orally or topically. It is important to take into account the indications of the podiatric specialist when following the treatment. In addition, it is not recommended to rely on unproven remedies that can be read on social networks, as they can worsen the initial situation.

There is no ideal product for mycosis, so it is important that the diagnosis is made by a professional.

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Normally with conventional treatments (topical treatments) many of them are solved, but sometimes not, due to the lack of consistency of the treatment, or because the product does not reach a depth, and oral products are hepatotoxic (risk/benefit).

Another treatment of choice and recommended is laser treatment due to its effectiveness and speed. In addition, the fungus can be killed in just a few sessions.

How does the laser work?

Laser treatment consists of applying a beam of near-infrared light to eliminate the fungus by means of the heat it gives off, which denatures the proteins that the fungus needs to live.

After the treatment, no care is required, only the normal hygiene of each person. Even so, it is recommended not to paint the nails, with the intention of letting the nail grow without difficulties.

The results are not immediate, as it takes about 9 months for a healthy nail to grow completely, from the matrix area to the free area of the nail at its most distal part.

Tips to avoid foot fungus

Some recommendations to avoid the spread of foot fungus:

  1. Keep an eye on common water areas, such as swimming pools, gyms, saunas….
  2. Always wear flip-flops
  3. Dry well after showering (use a hair dryer).
  4. Control excess perspiration (use natural, breathable socks).
  5. Good foot hygiene, especially after sports or long walks.
  6. Allow shoes to dry after sports activities.
  7. Use products suitable for each type of skin