Setting an example to educate our children

When parents consider helping their children, they have to start by considering how they can help themselves.

Children learn from their parents through the example they set. Parents, without sometimes being aware of it, are their role models and children imitate them. That is why, in order to help their children grow up happy and free, people must first take care of themselves and take into account some basic issues that bring them well-being and allow them to be better with their children.

Tips for raising children: how to set an example for our children

These are some practical tips recommended by specialists in Psychology to establish order in the family nucleus.

  • They affirm that one of the issues is to be able to put order in the family environment. This may be easier than it seems at first glance. It’s about having the things in the house that are really necessary. Do not acquire objects in an unreflective way to avoid that the home is overloaded with objects that are not really needed.
  • Another aspect that helps to maintain order in the home is that each object has its place and that it is put back in that place when it is no longer used.
  • These are two apparently very simple and obvious issues, but in practice they do not always happen. If they are kept in mind, they will be instilled in the children. Then, for them it will be a natural thing to pick up their toys after playing, to clear the table after eating or to collaborate in some other task in the house.
  • This order that one tries to transmit to the children produces a well-being that makes the coexistence easier for all. It also helps to transmit the values of caring for and valuing the things you have and the people around you.
  • On the other hand, it is useful to establish a schedule for going to bed and getting up, as this will help to make sleep more restful.
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Rest is fundamental in an orderly life

According to Buddhist monks, if you lead an orderly life, it will be easier to sleep well and stay awake during the day. This is especially true if in addition during the day you lead an active life that includes some kind of physical exercise.

Yoga is particularly interesting in this regard. Through yoga it is possible to control the breath and be more aware of it. In Eastern philosophies, breath control is considered the basis for harmonizing the spirit.

Nowadays it has been observed that yoga and meditation are two interesting techniques for the personal growth of children.