9 awkward questions women don’t ask their gynecologists

The visit to the Gynecology specialist is one of the most uncomfortable moments for a woman. Here are some of the questions that women do not dare to ask their gynecologist out of embarrassment, fear or even because they do not want to appear ignorant about sexual matters.

Is it normal to have one vaginal labia larger than the other?

There is a great variability in the anatomy of the female external genitalia. It is very difficult to give a criterion to consider normal or not in a given morphology. In principle, we must try to make women aware that variations in the shape and size of the external genitalia are part of normality. It is also very common to present some asymmetry in the vaginal lip, as in other areas of the body.

Vaginal sweating: is it normal for the vagina to sweat?

The vagina is a tubular structure that is lined on the inside by several layers of stratified epithelium. The cervix is located at one end of the vagina. It secretes a type of mucus that lubricates the vagina and protects it from infection. It is normal for there to be a discharge of mucus and for the appearance of the mucus to vary with the hormonal changes that occur during the cycle.

A different issue is possible sweating of the external and English genitalia, which may be excessive and may require specific treatment.

How to avoid vaginal acne?

A number of lesions may appear in the vagina that look similar to acne. One of these lesions is hidradenitis suppurativa, which is a chronic disease characterized by inflammation of the sweat glands. Other lesions that are similar in appearance are folliculitis, boils or some sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), such as genital warts, caused by the human papilloma virus. Also, some changes in the appearance of the vulva that are considered physiological may look like acne, however, they are completely normal. It is advisable to consult a specialist in the presence of these lesions for a correct diagnosis of the type of lesion, treatment and specific preventive measures.

Is it normal for the vagina to give off a bad odor?

In the vagina there is a physiological secretion of mucus that has an acid pH due to the action of the Döderlein bacilli, whose function is to protect the vagina from infections. There is a balance in the vaginal flora. However, sometimes this balance is lost and there is a predominance of a bacterium called gardnerella vaginalis, which is characterized by a grayish appearance of the vaginal discharge and a characteristic fishy odor. This is a frequent cause of foul odor.

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Thicker discharge may be normal after ovulation, when the hormone progesterone makes the mucus thick and dense, being totally normal.

Chinese balls: strengthening the pelvic floor

Chinese balls produce a reinforcement of the pelvic floor muscles. The contact of these balls on the walls of the pelvic floor is felt when they are used. They do not produce arousal, but they do produce sensations in the vagina that could activate arousal.

Sexual intercourse

What is vaginal gas?

These are sounds that appear when air enters the vagina. They are normal sounds and are of no importance, although they can be uncomfortable. In many cases, the sounds are due to a lack of tone of the vaginal muscles. It may help to perform exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor and avoid certain postures.

Why do I lubricate without being aroused?

Vaginal lubrication is normal and is produced by the secretion of mucus from the cervix; it has no relation to arousal. The mucus is secreted by the glandular epithelium of the cervix. The appearance of cervical mucus changes throughout the cycle. Mucus has a defense function against infection and plays an important role in female fertility.

Irregular menstruation: Is it possible to have menstruation twice in one month and go several months without it?

Normally menstruation occurs every 28 days, but sometimes hormonal imbalances, such as lack of ovulation, cause menstruation to be delayed, even for several months. Also, due to hormonal causes, menstruation may occur twice in the same month. There are other causes of absence of menstruation and frequent blood loss. It is therefore advisable to consult a gynecologist in the event of persistent menstrual irregularities so that the causes can be studied and appropriate treatment proposed.

Vaginal hair removal: Is full intimate hair removal bad?

Pubic hair has a protective and barrier function against trauma and infection. It acts as a barrier against microtrauma during sexual intercourse, which promotes sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and against friction and rubbing against clothing in everyday life. Full depilation can lead to infections such as condyloma or genital warts, skin infections and other complications such as irritation or eczema.