Tips for keeping your removable dentures clean

The maintenance of the removable dental prosthesis is fundamental to avoid infections and problems with the gums. There are several cleaning methods, but first it is convenient to find a comfortable and safe place, such as a soft cloth that is padded (preferably) so that it protects in case the prosthesis slips out of your hands.

For cleaning it is advisable to:

  • Use a brush with soft bristles to avoid damaging the dental prosthesis.
  • Use special pastes for prosthesis that do not contain abrasive substances. To make an intensive cleaning from all the angles. In this way we will eliminate any trace of food or bacteria.
  • It is also necessary to brush the gums, the tongue and the inner part of the mouth, in this way, besides eliminating plaque, the blood circulation is stimulated and the gums are kept healthy. It is also advisable to rinse the mouth daily with mouthwash or salt water.
  • After brushing, rinse the prosthesis under running water and store it in the case.

During the night it is advisable to remove the dental prosthesis to let the gums rest. The denture should be placed in a glass of water together with a special tablet for dentures that dissolves in a few hours.

Examine your mouth frequently, if it bothers you or there is any painful area or you notice any sore that does not heal, consult your dentist, this is especially relevant if you suffer from diabetes.

Under no circumstances should bleach, baking soda, hydrogen peroxide or normal toothpaste be used to clean the removable dental prosthesis. The use of such products can damage the denture.