Conscious sedation, the solution to dentist phobia

There are people who suffer from fear and anxiety before certain therapeutic or diagnostic procedures, something that is very subjective and can be difficult to control, complicating the performance of the procedures. In pediatric patients or those with some degree of psychic disability it can be of such a magnitude that it prevents them from carrying out the procedure or that the restraint techniques provoke a greater fear and suffering, developing important phobias, such as dental phobia. In such cases it is important to have an anesthesia specialist intervene, who will administer the appropriate drugs so that the procedure can be performed without stress or suffering.

Benefits of conscious sedation

When using conscious sedation:

– It will decrease the child’s level of anxiety, which will positively influence their comfort and subsequent medical experiences.

– It will allow children undergoing long or traumatic treatments to have more pleasant experiences.

– It will decrease the level of stress and increase safety in dealing with some patients.

– Decrease the number of medical emergencies, which is very important in pediatric dentistry.

– It will allow to treat patients with physical or mental conditions more easily.

– It will achieve greater collaboration from the child.

– It will avoid nausea in patients with an excessively sensitive pharyngeal reflex.

– It will serve as an adjuvant in pain control.

Types of conscious sedation and when they are recommended

Depending on the type of patient and the type of procedure to be performed by the dental and stomatology expert, the anesthesiologist will choose a more or less deep anesthesia. In adult patients without psychic pathologies who have a certain degree of anxiety before dental procedures, superficial sedation may be sufficient. This means that the patient is awake but with an important degree of relaxation, which allows him/her to undergo the procedure and collaborate with the specialist.

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On the other hand, in pediatric patients, especially those who are very young or who suffer from a mental disability (Autism, Down’s Syndrome or Cerebral Palsy, among others), deep sedation will be necessary. In this case the patient will be totally asleep. It is somewhat similar to general anesthesia, with the difference that the patient breathes by himself, as if he were asleep.

Possible risks of conscious sedation and the importance of qualified practitioners

Conscious sedation techniques are not risk-free, although risks can be reduced if the procedure is performed by an anesthesiology specialist with extensive experience in out-of-hospital anesthesia. It is also essential that this professional has all the necessary technical means.

Recommendations prior to conscious sedation

It is recommended that patients come to the consultation on an empty stomach to prevent complications, and are evaluated by the anesthesiologist before undergoing anesthesia itself. Once the procedure is completed and after a safety time interval has passed, the patient will return home with specific instructions.