Bruxism, an inevitable disease of the masticatory system?

Stress has traditionally been a factor related to teeth grinding, but is this the only cause of this pathology?

Tooth clenching is the result of the interaction of the components of the masticatory system, a complex system composed of various organs that, although they converge in a common set of functions, have a disparate nature.

Professional opinions on the causes of dental bruxism can be classified into two main groups. There are professionals who believe that it is of external origin to the masticatory system, of nervous origin, due to stress. The other group, which we joined more than 20 years ago, considers dental clenching to be caused by factors internal to the masticatory system itself, and the role of stress is to aggravate or accentuate the symptoms, but not the cause of the problem itself.

Is there a solution to dental bruxism?

At Den Clinica Dental we have more than 20 years of experience in the definitive treatment of bruxism, restoring worn teeth and all other associated symptoms.

The reason for our success is that we approach this pathology as the consequence of the instability of the masticatory movement. The treatment of excessive tooth wear, as well as the symptoms of jaw muscle pain and temporomandibular joint pathology when approached from this perspective, are reduced to their minimum expression or even eradicated definitively and completely.

What technology is needed to diagnose the causes of this problem?

Although the general causes have been established by the profession, each person has to be evaluated individually to establish the genesis of the problem in their particular case and a personalized therapeutic strategy.

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While clinical evaluation by specialists is a determining factor, at Den Clínica Dental we use 3D radiological imaging studies for the evaluation of internal structures and digital models of the patient. Technology has advanced enormously in recent times and at Den we are known for keeping up to date with the latest advances.

The 4D analysis of the masticatory movement adds the variable of time to the 3D analysis. At Den, we have been using the Modjaw® system for a year now to better understand and plan the therapeutic solution with a precision never before achieved.

What are splints for?

To put it simply, the main cause of bruxism is an unstable jaw closing movement. This means that two or more teeth have become an obstacle to buccal closure and the patient must avoid this interference with a compensatory movement.

Splints are intraoral devices that can be precisely adjusted to cancel this instability, they must be properly adapted so that the patient can use them 24 hours a day and they must be periodically controlled by the doctor specialized in their adjustment.

Once the bruxism is solved, we will move on to the necessary dental treatment to restore or often improve the function and beauty of the teeth, always looking for the best permanent results.