Restore your smile safely with dental reconstruction

Dental reconstruction is a very safe intervention, with no risk for the patient. In the dental clinic SilmiDental, thanks to its team formed by professionals with great professionalism and experience, you will be able to recover your smile in a totally safe way.

The dental reconstruction technique involves the repair of the tooth, in order to maintain the teeth in full function. This is a very common treatment in dentistry.

Generally, dental reconstruction is used to restore the functionality or shape of a broken tooth. It is also included in the section of reconstructive dentistry, in which the damaged teeth are replaced to completely or partially rebuild the teeth by means of prostheses or dental implants.

Dental reconstruction: prices

The price of a dental reconstruction includes both the assessment, the intervention and the subsequent revisions. Dr. Silmi, director of the SilmiDental clinic, can offer you a price, when he has previously made an assessment of your case, because then he will be able to offer you a diagnosis and an optimal budget.

How is dental reconstruction performed?

In order to perform this procedure, it is necessary for the dentist to know the clinical history of the patient to be treated, in addition to an oral x-ray if the case requires it.

On certain occasions the use of local anesthesia will be necessary in the area to be treated to avoid discomfort and involuntary movements. As for the tooth itself, when the surface is prepared, liquid resins and acid etching are applied, in addition to composite in layers, which adapts to the shape of the tooth and is sealed.

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Currently, advances in the field of dentistry guarantee the success of dental reconstruction, since current technology and knowledge make it possible to restore the patient’s dental esthetics in an effective and reliable manner.

What materials are used in dental reconstruction?

At SilmiDental we aim to achieve the most natural results possible, which is why we use composite for dental reconstruction. This choice is due to the fact that it is composed of state-of-the-art materials, which adapt perfectly to the tooth and its white shade.

Composite is a widely used material, both for the reconstruction of damaged teeth, as well as for aggressive endodontics, caries or even in different dental esthetic treatments.

Procedure time

The duration of the procedure varies according to each particular case, since no two patients are alike. A prior assessment by a specialist will always be necessary in order to know the time of the intervention.

On the other hand, it is important to be clear about the following details when making the decision to undergo the intervention:

  • Anesthesia: Local
  • Hospitalization: Not required
  • Effects: Immediate
  • Results: Long lasting

At SilmiDental Dental Clinic the first consultation is free, so you won’t have to worry about paying when you still have doubts. Dr. Silmi will give you free and personalized advice so you can find the most appropriate solution to your problem. Contact us and get back the smile you remember.