New technological devices to monitor osseointegration

Today there are simple and handy medical devices such as Penguin RFA that help specialists in Dentistry and Stomatology to measure the stability of implants, providing objectivity and predictability to implant treatment. Using the RFA (Ressonance Frequency Analysis) technique, they make it possible to establish the micro-movements of the implant objectively and to decide whether the implant is ready to be loaded or to establish a suitable prosthesis in each situation.
The ISQ (Implant Stability Quotient) values show the stability of the implant at any given moment since they are closely correlated with the implant micromovement.

Main objectives of these devices

They are used primarily for the purpose of determining the exact timing of implant loading and for treating at-risk patients where healing times are not predictable.

It is ideal for:

– Monitoring osseointegration: it allows to know in an objective and non-invasive way the stability of the implant in any phase of the treatment by means of ISQ values (scale from 1 to 99).
– Reduce treatment times.
– Know the exact moment to load the implant: Ideal for immediate / early loading.
– Manage at-risk patients: Where healing times are not predictable.

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