Neural Therapy: treatment indicated for chronic diseases and acute pathologies

Neural Therapy is a treatment that is carried out by means of the nervous system, especially the vegetative nervous system, which is mainly present in the skin and which is part of all the regulatory circuits of the organism, since it exchanges information mediators with all of them. It could be said that all these interconnected regulatory systems are, in themselves, one and the same.

This means that any irritation that alters the properties and functions of one part of the nervous system will affect the whole, and the repercussions will be felt and appreciated wherever there is a predisposition to dysfunction.

Furthermore, as clinical observation suggests and research shows, certain social, psychological and emotional factors influence the neuro-endocrine-immunological axis and therefore have an impact on all parts and functions of the body. The specialists in Traumatology affirm that it has been demonstrated that stressful experiences, anxiety and depression can inhibit some manifestations of the immune response, altering people’s capacity to adapt.

Therefore, the nervous system gives us the opportunity to act on both organic and psycho-social factors, which are inseparable aspects in the process of getting sick and in life itself.

In any case, it is important to emphasize that not all chemical, thermal or traumatic irritation is retained in the organism. There are traumas, surgeries, infections or inflammations that hardly influence the health of the person. In order for the irritation to remain present and active, there must be still unknown factors that influence the initial neural tone and make it impossible for the human being to eliminate the information.

What does the treatment with neural therapy consist of?

Neural Therapy is a treatment that aims to neutralize the irritations that, affecting the neurovegetative tone, trigger or catalyze the disease.

This neutralization is achieved by applying local anesthesia in low concentrations specifically in the places where the vegetative nervous system has suffered aggression or injury. By eliminating these blockages that alter the exchange of information and produce irritating stimuli to the nervous network, the aim is to reactivate the regulation mechanisms so that the organism itself produces its own self-healing reactions.

According to Peter Dosch, each cell is equivalent to a tiny potassium battery with a potential of 40 to 90 millivolts. Each stimulus causes the potential to fall: depolarization. Normally, the cell recovers it immediately: repolarization. If the irritating stimuli are very frequent or very strong, the cell loses the ability to respond to them, so it will be in a state of permanent depolarization, weakened and sick. At the cell membrane level, the functioning of the sodium-potassium pump is disturbed. This can cause rhythmic discharges, acting as interfering fields.

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Local anesthetics have a high energetic potential, around 290 millivolts, and when injected in microdoses in the areas of irritation, depolarized, they have the capacity to repolarize and stabilize the membrane potential of the affected cells, thus allowing them to recover and stabilize the neurovegetative system.

Neural therapy: in which cases is it indicated?

Any infection, inflammation, trauma, scars, dental conditions, stressful psychological conditions or emotional trauma are irritating stimuli that alter the modulation and frequency of information in the vegetative nervous system. Then the most varied pathological processes occur elsewhere in the organism, i.e. other diseases appear.

It is important to know how the disease started, what were the first symptoms and where they appeared. And also, above all, what the person relates it to. Surgical, infectious, traumatic, dental and gynecological antecedents are important to evaluate possible sources of irritation in the nervous system.

The list of diseases that can be treated with neural therapy is extraordinarily long, both chronic diseases and in cases of acute pathology. Neural therapy can be used as a sole method or as a supportive therapy to conventional medicine, especially in case of morphological changes.

Almost all patients can be treated with neural therapy.

No other complementary treatments are necessary, although dietary, physiological and toxic habits are very important in regulating the healing process. Sometimes, their modification is essential and can be complemented with hygienic-naturalistic measures. The treatment does not interfere with the patient’s regular medication.

Contraindications of Neural Therapy

After treatment with Neural Therapy, adverse effects are extremely rare. They are usually more or less painful inflammations at the application points, slight dizziness, relaxation, fever, exhaustion or muscular pains such as stiffness, among others. These symptoms correspond mainly to reactions that can be considered self-healing and are usually transient and without consequences. They usually self-limit within 24 to 48 hours.

The contraindications of Neural Therapy are:

  • Allergy to local anesthetics.
  • Deep injections in case of coagulation disorders or anticoagulant treatment.
  • Severe hypotension and severe cardiac insufficiency.
  • Myasthenia gravis in outbreak.