Everything you need to know about dental implants

Dr. Asensio is a specialist in Dentistry and Stomatology in Valencia. She is an expert in treatments such as dental implants, a procedure that she develops in this article, where she explains the types that exist suitable for each particular case.

A dental implant is an artificial root that replaces the natural root of the tooth, with the aim of ensuring chewing function, restoring dental esthetics and oral health to the patient.

Dental implants are composed of a piece of pure titanium, a biocompatible material of great strength and durability. A special feature of titanium is that it is able to fuse intimately with the bone.

Types of dental implants

Just as each patient is unique, there are many types of dental implants. The choice of one or the other will depend on the patient’s needs.

The All On Four technique is an innovative procedure that allows extractions, elimination of infection and fixed placement of implants and teeth in both arches on the same day and with only four dental implants. This technique achieves shorter recovery times for the patient, in addition to considerable savings.

Removable prostheses on dental implants

These are a type of removable prosthesis that can be removed by the patient for cleaning and conservation. However, it has a greater fixation than a denture because it is held in place by implants.

Hybrid prostheses

They are fixed for the patient, but removable for the dentist. Four to six implants are used to hold the prosthesis. The material used is a high-strength resin with a metal framework that connects the implants, forming a fixed block resistant to movement.

Fixed complete rehabilitation

It is the most similar treatment to natural teeth. It is a fixed prosthesis that is performed in patients without teeth or partially edentulous. This type of fixed prosthesis requires 4 to 10 implants. Each patient must be treated individually according to their needs.

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Types of patients requesting dental implants

Although the most appropriate procedure for the patient is to try to keep the natural teeth, there are a number of cases in which it is essential to perform an implant treatment. These cases are:

– Patients with irrecoverable teeth. There are cases in which natural teeth have no possible recovery. Then, it is necessary to extract the natural tooth or teeth that are necessary, and the subsequent placement of implants.

– Patients with partial or total lack of teeth. It is important to have a complete set of teeth for hygienic and esthetic reasons and to maintain the health of the mouth. Depending on the case, a treatment is carried out to replace one tooth, several teeth or the complete denture.

– Patients with lack of maxillary bone. These cases are much more complex than the rest, although there are also suitable procedures to treat them.

Indications for before and after undergoing dental implant surgery

It is very important to follow a series of simple guidelines before and after the treatment:

– The week prior to the operation the patient should follow a proper oral hygiene routine, including three daily brushings, use of a special mouthwash and dental floss.

– On the day of the procedure, the patient should brush each and every tooth separately, especially those close to the area to be treated. In addition, the use of lip balm or lipstick should be avoided.

– It is recommended not to go on an empty stomach, but to have eaten light and easily digestible food.

– After the operation should be avoided for a week to do sports or heavy physical exertion such as lifting weights.

– It is necessary to maintain proper hygiene after the operation, brushing the operated area and surrounding teeth carefully.