Main applications of endodontics

Endodontics is the removal of the pulp tissue, which nourishes and gives life to the tooth. That is why it is popularly known as “killing the nerve”.

What are the applications of endodontics?

Endodontics is the last alternative to tooth extraction, in which the pulp tissue has been colonized by bacteria that infect it and make it hurt.

What are the most common pathologies and the most serious ones?

The typical toothache, pain with temperature changes (especially heat), and pain when chewing.

The most serious are those that have been left to evolve for a long time and, therefore, the infection is very complex and suppuration appears around the tooth and abscess or phlegmon.

What techniques are available for endodontics?

There is a manual way of doing it; with special files, which clean the inner canal of the tooth and disinfect it. In addition, there is the mechanical technique, much more efficient, where these files are positioned in a rotating instrument and, therefore, the cleaning and disinfection of the canal is much more effective. After the cleaning of the pulp canals, they are sealed with gutta-percha, a material that tries to prevent bacterial recolonization. This gutta-percha can be placed manually or mechanically by the dentist.