How to prevent and deal with periodontitis

Pyorrhea or periodontitis is one of the most serious diseases that can affect the periodontium, that is, the tissues involved in supporting the teeth.

It consists of an infection that gradually wears down these tissues, and its possible consequences include the loss of teeth.

What causes periodontitis?

We are talking about an irreversible condition that begins with an untreated gingivitis (gum inflammation) that evolves until it becomes chronic.

Gingivitis, in turn, has its origin in an accumulation of bacterial plaque and tartar as a result of insufficient dental hygiene. However, other factors that can also influence its appearance should be taken into account:

  • Existence of other diseases, such as diabetes.
  • Genetic predisposition.
  • Hormonal alterations, especially in women (they go through more stages or circumstances that involve a dance of hormones: puberty, taking the contraceptive pill, pregnancy, menstruation, menopause…).
  • Smoking.
  • The effect of certain medications.

It happens that, too often, those who suffer from gingivitis are not aware that they suffer from an oral health problem or do not give it the importance it has. In fact, even when periodontitis has already made its appearance, it is common for those affected to do nothing to stop it until it becomes serious.

For this reason, it is important to know how to recognize the signs that there is something wrong with your gums and go to the dentist as soon as they are detected.

Symptoms of pyorrhea

If you suffer from any of the following symptoms, do not underestimate them and make an appointment with your dentist:

  • You usually feel discomfort when chewing.
  • Your gums are irritated: they are too red or even purple, bleed during brushing or look swollen.
  • You can see the root of one or more teeth. That is, you suffer from receding gums.
  • You have bad breath.
  • Your gums or teeth have expelled pus.
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So, what do I do if I already suffer from pyorrhea or periodontitis?

Pyorrhea is an irreversible disease. This does not mean that we cannot do anything about it, on the contrary: we can and we should. Even if it is impossible to undo the damage it has already caused, it is necessary to treat it so that it does not get worse.

These are some of the measures to take:

  • Perform a curettage. That is, a deep and professional cleaning that includes a scaling of the tartar with curettes. Since poor hygiene and the accumulation of plaque and tartar are the root cause of periodontitis, it is important to start with a cleaning that removes them completely. Of course, to keep them always at bay, it is necessary to repeat this cleaning every year or every six months.
  • Surgery. In some cases where periodontitis is very advanced, tartar can be stored under the gums, creating periodontal pockets that cannot be reached by scalers. When this happens, we rely on surgery to lift the gum and clean underneath it.
  • Prescription of antibiotics. We use them as a complement to curettage to contain the infection by attacking the bacteria that cause it.

Pyorrhea is a very underestimated chronic oral health problem that can lead to such undesirable consequences as tooth loss. Both to avoid suffering from it and to prevent it from worsening, it is necessary to be extremely careful with the cleaning of teeth and mouth in general, to have professional cleanings annually and to visit the dentist as soon as the first symptoms are detected.