Everything you need to know about composite veneers

With telecommuting where we resort to video calls every now and then and the growing interest in exposing ourselves on social networks, it is amazing how the smile has become one of our main concerns to improve our image. This is where composite veneers have gained prominence.

Do you know what they consist of? In this article we tell you everything you need to know about these dental veneers and, to do so, we talk to Dr. Ana Cabeza MartĂ­nez, a dentist specializing in Dental Aesthetics and Orthodontics.

Doctor, what are composite veneers?

Composite veneers are very thin sheets of esthetic material, in this case, composite resin, which are handcrafted directly on the teeth themselves, without wearing down the enamel and achieving very natural results.

In which cases is it recommended?

It is an aesthetic treatment that is recommended for all those people who want to:

  • Rejuvenate their smile by covering worn teeth.
  • Improve the color of teeth when the whitening treatment has not given them the results they expected.
  • Cover and repair broken, chipped or defective enamel teeth.
  • Improve the shape and size of teeth that we do not like individually.
  • Improve teeth that are not perfectly positioned without the need for braces.

In addition, composite veneers are also the ideal treatment for people who suffer from bruxism, as they can protect the teeth if the technique only consists of adding and shaping the esthetic material on the tooth. In these cases of bruxism, the use of a night splint is recommended.

What does the treatment consist of?

The treatment consists of using very aesthetic composite resins (composites) that are modeled on the teeth themselves WITHOUT the need to wear down the enamel.

The technique is very conservative, since it is simply based on the chemical adhesion of the material to the tooth.

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It is a painless treatment that does not require anesthesia, but requires great manual dexterity and an artistic touch by the specialist dentist to improve the appearance of the teeth, to such an extent that the smile looks super natural and… the added material is not noticeable at all!

It is a fully customized treatment for each patient and is performed in 1-2 appointments.

How long do composite veneers last?

With the new composite systems and the great improvement in adhesion, it can be said that they last an average of 7-12 years.

The secret lies in how to treat them (depending on the person’s habits) and in the technique used by the dentist when working with composite.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of composite veneers?

The main advantages of composite veneers are:

  • It is a totally personalized treatment in which the patient can participate to meet their expectations.
  • The results are super natural and you can always make all the corrections you want.
  • The tooth is not carved at all and the enamel is not worn down.
  • It allows the treatment of a single tooth without the need for veneers on all teeth.
  • It is a conservative and minimally invasive treatment.
  • The treatment is performed in 1-2 appointments.
  • It is great because it is compatible with other treatments such as Invisalign.

In addition, there are no problems, since in the event that a veneer fractures, it can be repaired at the same time by going to the specialist dentist.

How can veneers be properly maintained?

Their maintenance is very simple. Like any treatment, it requires periodic check-ups and polishing if necessary.

You can eat anything, but there are certain habits such as nail biting, pencils… that we should avoid on a daily basis because they are also harmful to our own teeth.