Rejuvenate the look

Dark circles under the eyes have always been an aesthetic problem with a difficult solution. Attempts have been made to eliminate them by means of electro-medical devices, home remedies, injectable materials and an endless number of treatments. In fact, until recently it has not been possible to achieve optimal results.

It is true that it is a delicate area, where the skin is very thin, which is also very vascularized and very close to the orbital socket. Therefore, it is important that the technique is applied by an expert to avoid problems such as possible hematomas, edema and overcorrections. To avoid all these inconveniences, it is recommended to treat them very slowly. In this way, the patient will be able to continue her daily routines and return to work very quickly.

At present, we can finally say that we have managed to improve the dark circles under the eyes, as well as the look and general appearance of the patients. Their face used to reflect exhaustion and sadness, sometimes as a consequence of genetics and other times of the circumstances of the life we live, which always leave their mark on our mirror of the soul.

In this sense, according to the latest European research, Spanish women are the most concerned about the appearance of their eyes. Fifty percent of women would be affected by having a problem with dark circles under the eyes. Of these, 37% would be due to a tired look and 28% to the annoying crow’s feet.

Truly, the power of the gaze says so much that words are often superfluous. A look can be tender, sensual, mysterious, etc. They say that the first kiss is not given with the mouth, but with the eyes, since they are in charge of projecting your special person. That is the origin of the expression “to have sparkle in the eyes”.

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As we mature, that sparkling look fades. And the look speaks for itself. It only takes a second to detect a person’s mood by looking into their eyes.

Generally, people do not want to show their feelings in the eyes and prefer to camouflage their emotions. For this reason, it is of vital importance that when a patient comes to us for a facial treatment, we listen to her expectations and take an interest in knowing her emotional state. This allows us to transmit the most appropriate treatment for their needs.

The protocol applied in consultation, establishes that the patient should be explored, cleaned and marked the area of application, while seated. Then, after applying an anesthetic ointment, we proceed to the application of a combination of three techniques:

  • For drooping eyes: two units of Botulinum Toxin are applied to the outer corner of each eye to make the eyes look more open. Another option is to apply threads.
  • For fat loss at the periocular level: we treat the area with semi-reticulated hyaluronic acid filler, in addition to a complex of amino acids, antioxidants and vitamin B6.
  • For purplish discoloration due to stress: carboxytherapy is applied to improve oxygenation of the eye. We then apply an injection of 10-20 cc of CO2 into each eye corner and then massage to activate circulation and reduce the bluish color.

Nowadays, it is possible to transform a sad and tired look into a relaxed and fresh one, obtaining a good result without resorting to surgery.