What are the most common treatments in the field of Aesthetic Medicine

Traditionally, there have always been doubts and fears about aesthetic medicine, but more and more people are deciding to undergo beauty and wellness interventions to put an end to physical and psychological discomfort.

According to the Spanish Society of Aesthetic Medicine, approximately 36% of Spaniards have already undergone an aesthetic medicine treatment.

The results of the study carried out by the SEME show that in Spain there are two trends in relation to Aesthetic Medicine. On the one hand, its influence on the population. And on the other hand, the use of aesthetic medicine techniques to achieve a state of wellbeing through natural and discreet aesthetic improvements.

What are the most demanded treatments?

There are many people who believe that medical-aesthetic treatments are superficial, but in many cases they become the only way out of problems that go beyond aesthetics. In this way, aesthetic medicine makes it possible to achieve visible solutions to aspects of health that are not visible.

Currently, there are many treatment options in the field of Aesthetic Medicine, but there are some whose demand has increased significantly. These treatments are as follows:

  • Facial treatments: in recent years there has been an increase, among the population, in the processes that improve the appearance of the face, especially those that do not involve undergoing surgery and that allow discreet but visible changes to be obtained. These include lip fillers with hyaluronic acid, facial peelings to soften blemishes and hyperpigmentation.
  • Body treatments: treatments against cellulite, excess fat and skin blemishes stand out.
  • Treatments that remain: there are some treatments that remain as the stars of these health processes. This is the case of rhinoplasty, breast augmentation or liposuction. Also chemical peels and laser systems.